Archives for December 15, 2022

Denise Featured on iHeart’s Talk Radio, WHO Des Moines with Host Simon Conway

On December 15th, 2022 Denise joined iHeart radio host Simon Conway from Des Moines, IA to discuss How to Spot and Deal with a Burned Out Boss. In a recent survey administered by SLACK, chronic workplace stress found that 43% of mid-level managers are burned out by their jobs. It all starts from the top and trickles down from there. Most entrepreneurs and business owners work hard to get their business successful, and then keep working more and more as their companies grow. This work harder mentality has been ingrained by the North American business culture that we must be working all the time to get ahead. But this doesn’t have to be the case. Listen to the episode here to learn why business owners should be rewarding their teams for their ingenuity, if they can get the job done in less time. Business owners need to delegate more, reward their people and get out of their own way by making hyper-efficiency a way of life.