Denise Gosnell

My New Book is Now A #1 Bestseller

GREAT NEWS! I am so excited to share that at the end of launch day yesterday (November 29), my new book reached #1 bestseller in 3 different categories, and in the top 20 in at least 7 categories that we are aware of. The rankings change daily.

I’m so grateful to all of my friends, family, and clients who made this happen so quickly. I’m now allowed to use the Bestseller reference. Hooray.

Special thanks to all my friends, family, clients and everyone who shared this with their email list, who promoted this to their social media followers, who asked others to buy this, and who purchased this because I asked them to. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart!

The book is still available for purchase in 3 formats, and my publisher said they are extending the $1.99 sale on Amazon Kindle through the end of the week. Link is below in the comments. This book would be a great holiday gift for all of the business owners in your life.

Once again, thanks!

You can get the book details, bonuses, and the links to the major bookstores here:

Denise Featured on iHeart’s Talk Radio, WHO Des Moines with Host Simon Conway

On December 15th, 2022 Denise joined iHeart radio host Simon Conway from Des Moines, IA to discuss How to Spot and Deal with a Burned Out Boss. In a recent survey administered by SLACK, chronic workplace stress found that 43% of mid-level managers are burned out by their jobs. It all starts from the top and trickles down from there. Most entrepreneurs and business owners work hard to get their business successful, and then keep working more and more as their companies grow. This work harder mentality has been ingrained by the North American business culture that we must be working all the time to get ahead. But this doesn’t have to be the case. Listen to the episode here to learn why business owners should be rewarding their teams for their ingenuity, if they can get the job done in less time. Business owners need to delegate more, reward their people and get out of their own way by making hyper-efficiency a way of life.

Denise Featured on FOX News Radio Tour on 7 Stations Nationwide

On December 12, 2022 Denise was honored to be interviewed by seven FOX News radio stations around the country discussing the Pinocchio Syndrome. The Pinocchio Syndrome is best defined as employees who are lying and cheating to earn an extra incentive at work. In 2020, Wells Fargo was fined $3 Billion dollars to settle claims for fraudulent activity involving bank personnel opening bogus accounts in order to meet sales quotas. What is the underlying reason that employees are abusing this system? Is corporate America to blame for how we operate, pushing employees to work more and longer hours? As a well-respected business strategist, Denise was asked to share her insight on these trends and how companies can restructure to reward employees for their results instead of micro-managing and evaluating your team by how many hours they spend at the office. You can listen to Denise’s full interview with WBAP Dallas Morning News Team here.

Interested in hearing more?

Check out a few of Denise’s other interviews here:

1) iHeart’s KOGO San Diego, California

2) WERC Birmingham, Alabama

3) WILS Lansing, Michigan

Denise was also interviewed by WIBX in Utica, NY, WSJK in Champaign, IL and also on WHO in Des Moines, IA, reaching a nationwide audience of more than 700,000 households.

Denise Featured in the Beyond Success Podcast

I was thrilled to join in a conversation with Daniel Mangena on December 6, 2022 where we discussed how to work less, for more. We dived into my Grow by Subtraction methodology and how I remove things from my to-do list, instead of adding to it. As I was building my businesses, I used to think that if I wasn’t busy, then something was wrong and I wasn’t growing. It wasn’t until I experienced a personal tragedy to realize I needed to re-think how I was working “in” my businesses. Check out the full episode here to learn how I run three companies, in three different industries and work an average of three days per week.

Denise Featured in the Author Hour Podcast

Denise featured in the Author Hour podcast on November 30, 2022 with host, Hussein Al-Baiaty. During this enlightening conversation, Denise shares a sneak peek into her book, “The Vacation Effect for Entrepreneurs” and touches on her background, the importance of turning “someday maybes” into reality and her methodology on how to create more free time, without sacrificing business growth. Listen to full episode here.