Denise Gosnell

018 Rennie Gabriel: From Broke To Millionaire After Age 50

In the April 25, 2020 episode of The Vacation Effect Podcast, Rennie Gabriel talked about the mistakes he made in his life that caused him to go broke multiple times, and then how we became a multi-millionaire after age 50. Listen to full episode here.

In this Episode, Denise and Rennie Discuss:

  • The mistakes Rennie made in his life that caused him to go broke multiple times, and then how he became a multi-millionaire after age 50.
  • How you can create real wealth without having a huge income.
  • The difference between good debt versus bad debt.
  • The 3 Secrets of the Wealthy.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are certain “attitudes” about money that wealthy people share, such as paying yourself first.
  • There are certain “forms” that wealthy people use and refer to, such as how they look at their house on a financial statement (hint: it’s not generally an investment)
  • The wealthy control their “investments” by having multiple streams of income.
  • Not all debt is “bad”. There are some forms of debt that can be “good”, such as debt you incur to invest in real estate that you buy at a fair price that then pays for itself from the rental income to tenants.

“Wealth creation is a team sport, not a solo sport.” – Rennie Gabriel

About Rennie Gabriel:

Rennie Gabriel is an author, speaker, master financial coach, and founder of Wealth On Any Income.

Rennie went from broke at age 50 to multi-millionaire after learning the three secrets of the wealthy, despite failing high school math.

He now donates 100% of the profits from his books, online programs and coaching to the charity Shelter To Soldier, where rescued dogs are trained as service animals for soldiers who have returned with PTSD or TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) His award winning, best-selling book Wealth On Any Income has been translated into eight languages.

Connect with Rennie Gabriel:


Free copy of Rennie’s book mentioned in interview:

Rennie’s social media accounts:

Facebook –

LinkedIn –

Connect with Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect:


Show:  The Vacation Effect Podcast

Book:  The Vacation Effect Book


Facebook: Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect 

LinkedIn: Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect, Inc. 

017 Lisa Cherney: Be Unapologetically You

On April 22, 2020, Lisa Cherney joined The Vacation Effect Podcast, where she talked about the benefits of being unapologetic. Listen to full episode here.

In this Episode, Denise and Lisa Discuss:

  • The benefits of being unapologetic or GFRing?
  • Lisa’s GFR Commandments, and how to use them in life.
  • GFR Commandment #5 – “Make Yourself Your Most Important Client”
  • GFR Commandment #3 – “Don’t Worry About Being Normal, Proper, or Polite.”
  • The biggest mistakes business owners make in their marketing.
  • How Lisa uses meditation to enhance her performance as an entrepreneur.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ask yourself: “What would I say to the people I want to help if I wasn’t worried about being rude or losing them?” Then say that to them. They deserve your honesty and your help, and most people will find that refreshing.
  • Most business owners are afraid to take a stand in the marketing, and as a result, they speak to no one.
  • You should not feel guilty about having an opinion and taking a stand, even if some people won’t agree with you.

“If I wasn’t worried about any negative outcome, what would I really say?” – Lisa Cherney

About Lisa Cherney:

Lisa Cherney, now known as The Queen of Clarity, is host of the ground-breaking confession-based Get F***ing Real show for successful soulful entrepreneurs and founder of the GFR Squad, a lively community that is serious about embracing the GFR lifestyle and living a life without regrets.

In 2014, after 15 years in business, Lisa Cherney got f***ing real and dismantled her successful 7-Figure business as the Juicy Marketing Expert.  She was proud of the financial accomplishment, but burdened by the “monster” she created. It did not make her happy. To makes things worse her “6-Figures On Your Terms” events were helping hundreds of entrepreneurs make money fulfilling their mission and her refreshing “Cash Through Clarity” Marketing training was in high-demand around the world.

But Lisa learned that just because something is successful and people like it, doesn’t mean you have to keep doing it.  She always knew she had a low tolerance for not being happy (after all she left a “successful” corporate career, with companies like AT&T and Lipton at age 28), but now she knows her mission is to help other successful and soulful business owners GFR so they can get out of their own way and help more people!

Other f***ing real fun facts about Lisa are:

  • She is lazy (This inspires lots of creativity on how to get stuff done with the least amount of effort)
  • She loves TV (This is how she unwinds and her TiVo is one of her most prized possessions)
  • She can’t spell for shit (Another outlet for creativity)
  • She didn’t want kids (Until 10 years into her marriage – She has one 13 year old and is convinced she got it “right” the first time.)
  • Her husband, of nearly 25 years, is way cooler than her (He is an engineer, chiropractor, singer/songwriter and World’s Greatest Dance Dad)
  • She is not a certified coach, does not have a marketing degree or an MBA (but she mentors lots of people who do and doesn’t hold it against them)
  • She doesn’t believe in limiting love (And her boyfriends are very happy about that)
  • She is from New Jersey and her parents are from Brooklyn (Thus partially explaining her love of the F word)

Connect with Lisa Cherney:

To download Lisa’s 12 GFR Commandments mentioned in the interview:

Lisa’s interview with Denise Gosnell on GFR – Get F***king Real:

Connect with Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect:


Show:  The Vacation Effect Podcast

Book:  The Vacation Effect Book


Facebook: Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect 

LinkedIn: Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect, Inc. 

Denise Featured In Living Regret Free Podcast

In the April 20, 2020 episode of Living Regret Free, Denise shared with Dr. Gayle Carson how her unique perspective in life turned her from being a workaholic to having more free time to enjoy the things that matter most for her. Listen to full episode here.

Denise Featured In Females On Fire Podcast

Denise joined Hayley Luckadoo for the April 15, 2020 episode of Females On Fire, where she talked about her secret on how to increase productivity and efficiency while also enjoying the freedom of doing the things she loves. Listen to full episode here.

Denise Featured In Thrive LOUD Podcast

Denise joined Lou Diamond in the April 2, 2020 episode of Thrive LOUD Podcast, where she shared her thoughts about the recent happenings in the world and revealed some tactics that can be useful in today’s environment. Listen to the full episode here.

016 Michael Ferguson: Virtual Travel Experiences From Home

In the March 30, 2020 episode of The Vacation Effect Podcast, Michael Ferguson shared tips on how to conduct virtual travel from the comfort of your own home. Listen to full episode here.

In this Episode, Denise and Michael Discuss:

  • How to conduct virtual travel from the comfort of your own home.
  • The best web sites and apps for virtual travel experiences.
  • Experiencing world class museums from anywhere you have an Internet connection.
  • How to expand and track your travel bucket list using Google Earth.
  • Tips on planning staycations in your own area.
  • The best times to see the most popular sites in a city.

Key Takeaways:

  • You can travel the world (including the moon) using Google Earth and street view.
  • Many museums offer virtual tours of their most popular exhibitions.
  • Google Earth is a great way to track and refine your travel bucket list.
  • When you travel to other states and countries, (and the Viator app) can be a great resource for helping you book excursions.

About Michael Ferguson:

Michael Ferguson is a lifelong traveler, and is the author of the book “Leave Me Alone… I’m on Vacation!” as well as the founder of

Michael was born in Great Falls, Montana and has lived in Colorado Springs, Colorado almost exclusively since the age of five, taking road trips with his family throughout the Rocky Mountain and Midwest areas of the United States.

Michael studied German and lived for a semester in Lüneburg, Germany with a German family. Michael discovered through this experience the richness of being able to experience a different culture firsthand, which would continue to inspire him during his future travels.

Michael travels often, both for work and for pleasure and has traveled extensively around North America and Europe. In July 2015 Michael added Africa to his journeys as he traveled with his wife and niece to Tanzania, where they enjoyed a safari, and Michael trekked to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. Michael Ferguson continues to be a life-long traveler who loves to explore and experience diverse cultures and destinations.

Connect with Michael Ferguson:


Free digital copy of Michael’s book: Leave Me Alone! I’m On Vacation:

To buy the book on Amazon:

Connect with Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect:


Show:  The Vacation Effect Podcast

Book:  The Vacation Effect Book


Facebook: Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect 

LinkedIn: Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect, Inc.