Denise Gosnell

011 – Mitch Russo: Certification Programs: A Sales Force That Pays YOU

In the February 24, 2020 episode of The Vacation Effect Podcast, Mitch Russo revealed his favorite self-care strategies that have kept him sane even when managing large organizations where he was CEO. Listen to full episode here.

In this Episode, Denise and Mitch discuss:

  • The importance of self-care as a busy entrepreneur, and Mitch’s favorite self-care strategies that have kept him sane even when managing large organizations where he was CEO.
  • How certification programs can help companies grow, and in fact, and they can provide your company with a sales force that pays YOU (versus the other way around.)
  • A high level of how to create a certification program, and when you should consider it.
  • Some of the best revenue streams that most entrepreneurs overlook.
  • How to manage virtual teams really well and build an incredible culture.

Key Takeaways:

  • You can build a certification program to allow others to sell your products and services for you – offering regular, increasing cash flow. It’s a true “win-win”.
  • You may think you are the only one who can provide your services well, but that generally isn’t true.
  • Use meditation as your secret weapon, especially on your busiest days to bring some calm to the noise.
  • To build a successful virtual team, you need to communicate with the team a lot more than you think you do.

“On particularly busy days, I take double the time to meditate because I know that I need to sort things out on a spiritual level before they will sort themselves out on the physical level.” – Mitch Russo

About Mitch Russo:

Meet Mitch Russo, who started a software company in his garage, sold it for 8 figures and then went on to work directly with Tony Robbins and Chet Holmes at Business Breakthroughs, International to build a $25M business together. Mitch was the President and CEO of that organization where they served thousands of businesses a year with coaching, consulting, and training services.

Nominated twice for Entrepreneur of the Year, Mitch helps companies scale rapidly!

In 2015, Mitch published “The Invisible Organization” which is the CEO’s guide to transitioning a traditional brick and mortar company into a fully virtual organization.

In 2018, Mitch published “Power Tribes – How Certification Can Explode Your Business” which is the master blueprint for building profitable certification programs.

Mitch’s Podcast, Your First Thousand Clients, focuses on discovering the secrets of success from business owners who have served 1000 clients or more.

Today, Mitch helps his clients build recurring revenue streams by using his proprietary certification training and podcasts with super smart business owners.

Connect with Mitch Russo:

Mitch can be reached at

Mitch’s consultant/business web site is at

Mitch’s First Book site:

Mitch’s Second Book Site:

Mitch’s Podcast:

Mitch’s Productivity Software App:

Mitch’s photography can be seen at

Connect with Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect:


Show:  The Vacation Effect Podcast

Book:  The Vacation Effect Book


Facebook: Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect 

LinkedIn: Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect, Inc. 

010 Patti Mara: UpSolutions: The New Rules Of Business

On February 17, 2020, Patti Mara shared how she learned the importance of customer-centric behavior working at a bookstore in her early career, and how that one bookstore had incredible growth due to one specific customer-centric strategy that the employees all implemented. Listen to full episode here.

In this Episode, Denise and Patti discuss:

  • How the rules of business have changed.
  • How Patti learned the importance of customer-centric behavior working at a bookstore in her early career, and how that one bookstore had incredible growth due to one specific customer-centric strategy that the employees all implemented.
  • How to shift from transaction based outcomes to relationship based outcomes.
  • How to turn your customers into raving fans.

Key Takeaways:

  • Look at your business as the “solution” you provide to your customers – the feeling of why they come there.
  • Most companies are playing the wrong game of business by trying to compete on price.
  • It’s better to shift from sales to solutions; from transactions to relationships.
  • Instead of looking at “upselling” your customers” look for “upsolutions”.

We have to shift our focus from sales to solutions. And we have to shift our focus from transactions to relationships. “ – Patti Mara

About Patti Mara:

Patti Mara has worked with hundreds of entrepreneurial owned and operated businesses to reposition them for success and dramatically increase their growth, customer retention, and profit.

She is the author of the new book: UpSolutions – Turning Your Team into Heroes and Customers into Ravings Fans. Her book reveals how you can shift from transaction-based outcomes to relationship-based outcomes that allow for faster growth and profitability.

Patti is the owner of Maranet Inc. and the creator of the Profit Generator Program* and the Business Breakthrough Catalyst*.

She lives in Georgetown, Ontario, just outside of Toronto.

Connect with Patti Mara:

Web site:

Free Touchpoint Scorecard tool mentioned in the interview:

Connect with Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect:


Show:  The Vacation Effect Podcast

Book:  The Vacation Effect Book


Facebook: Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect 

LinkedIn: Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect, Inc. 

009 Jim Dew: Making Rich Real

On February 2, 2020, Jim Dew joined Denise to talk about what it means to “make rich real” in your life. Listen to full episode here.

In this episode, Denise and Jim discuss:

  • What it means to “make rich real” in your life.
  • What a “family office” means and how it’s not just for the ultra-rich.
  • How to set up a “time energy shield” for yourself.
  • How to evaluate and define your own investment strategy.
  • What to look for in a wealth advisor.
  • Some of the biggest tax savings that entrepreneurs often benefit from (and didn’t already know about.)
  • Some of Jim’s proprietary processes on helping entrepreneurs grow and manage their wealth.

Key Takeaways:

  • It’s important to define what “being rich” means to you, since it’s not the same for everyone.
  • It is critical that you have an investment strategy that you can use to evaluate opportunities.
  • Successful entrepreneurs can have a family office of advisors who work together to protect and grow your wealth.
  • Most entrepreneurs don’t know their numbers, yet it’s important to know your critical drivers for profitability and monitor those quarterly.

“You get rich by being concentrated. You stay rich by being diversified.”  — Jim Dew

About Jim Dew:

Jim Dew is the CEO of Dew Wealth Management and Advisor to the Entrepreneur™. He has twenty-four years of advisory experience and focuses on building virtual family offices for entrepreneurs. Jim earned a BS in Mathematics from the University of Arizona and an MBA from Arizona State University. He is a Certified Financial Planner®, Chartered Financial Consultant®, and a Certified Private Wealth Advisor®. His book, Beyond A Million is The Entrepreneur’s Playbook For Expanding Wealth, Freedom, and Time”. Jim has been featured in Inc, Entrepreneur, and Huffington Post magazines. He is also a sought after speaker for stages and podcasts for elite entrepreneurs.

Connect with Jim Dew:

Book: Beyond a Million: The Entrepreneur’s Playbook for Expanding Wealth, Freedom and Time

Make Rich Real Scorecard: Make Rich Real

Website: Dew Wealth Management

LinkedIn: Jim Dew

Connect with Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect:


Show:  The Vacation Effect Podcast

Book:  The Vacation Effect Book


Facebook: Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect 

LinkedIn: Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect, Inc. 

008 Melinda Wittstock: Self-Promotion Hacks From A Media Master

In the January 27, 2020 episode of The Vacation Effect Podcast, Melinda Wittstock shared how her professional background prepared her for the role of online entrepreneur. Listen to full episode here.

In this episode, Denise and Melinda discuss:

  • How Melinda’s professional background prepared her for the role of online entrepreneur
  • How her podcasting network and engagement platform will help podcasters grow and monetize their shows
  • Some of Melinda’s favorite media hacks to stand out from the crowd and effectively promote yourself
  • When is the right time to let go of a business and the vital importance of self care

Key Takeaways:

  • Success rests on authentically presenting yourself to your audience, no matter which platform you are on
  • Be a guest on as many podcasts as possible but make sure they are reaching your target audience
  • Earn publicity via old “media” coverage then re-post on social media
  • Only provide content that provides true value to your audience

“We’re the first and only network that will actually pay podcasters for their content.” —  Melinda Wittstock

Connect with Melinda Wittstock:

Facebook: @melinda.wittstock



Show: The Wings Podcast

Instagram: @melidawittstock2020

Connect with Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect:


Show:  The Vacation Effect Podcast

Book:  The Vacation Effect Book


Facebook: Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect 

LinkedIn: Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect, Inc. 

007 Denise Gosnell: Freedom is a Mindset, Not a Destination

On January 13, 2020, Denise talked about how letting go of your “someday-maybes” can help you claim true freedom. Listen to full episode here.

In this episode, Denise discusses:

  • What the Freedom Mindset is.
  • Steps you can take to claim true freedom today.
  • The bad habit of the “someday-maybes”.

Key Takeaways:

  • Freedom is a decision, a state of mind. It is a choice you make and you plan everything else around it.
  • Stop letting others dictate your schedule and your life.
  • Someday is not a day of the week. Take action now that will get you closer to your goal and start bringing you joy as start of the process.

“If you don’t get around to doing those things that would bring you joy now, when will you ever truly get to them?” —  Denise Gosnell

Connect with Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect:


Show:  The Vacation Effect Podcast

Book:  The Vacation Effect Book


Facebook: Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect 

LinkedIn: Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect, Inc. 

6 Self-Care Rituals For Busy Entrepreneurs

As a busy entrepreneur, sometimes you may feel like you don’t have time to take care of yourself. In order to embrace all that life has to offer, I recommend that you move self-care to the top of your list.

The rituals you practice to take care of your mind, body and soul can be soothing and contribute to the contentment and joy you feel in everything you do.

Review these self-care rituals to remind yourself how important you are. Then, revive some of your own practices or add new ones that soothe you.

1. Practice soothing, healthful skin care.

Regardless of whether you’re a man or a woman, your skin needs all the help it can get. After all, skin protects you 24/7.

Morning and evening, clean, tone and moisturize your face.

Apply lotion to your body at least once a day to protect your skin from excessive dryness.

2. Exercise.

Exercising relieves your stress and rejuvenates both your mind and body.

Even if you just exercise 15 minutes twice a day (morning and evening), getting the physical activity your body craves will revive your mood and enrich your life profoundly.

Try a 10-minute walk to give your mind a rest or lift your spirits. Whether you choose a brisk pace or a slow saunter to admire the landscape, consider it a gift to yourself to go for a brief stroll.

3. Re-acquaint yourself with the magic and exhilaration that nature provides.

Nothing relaxes and nurtures us like getting outdoors.

Find time to sit on your porch to watch the birds.

Take a few minutes to care for a flower garden, or go for a walk in the park.

4. Shower Daily.

Bathing is one of the top self-soothing moments of your day. By adjusting one or two things about your shower, it becomes a relaxing ritual you can look forward to.

Rather than rush through your bath or shower every morning and evening, take the time to soothe yourself by using a luscious soap or that new loofah sponge or bath puff.

Light scented candles, put on relaxing music, and take the time to fully enjoy them.

5. Take time to do the one thing you really love to do.

There’s something so delicious and special about having the time and space to do whatever it is that you get excited about.

Maybe you’ve got an insatiable love of reading, but struggle to find the time to read with working and family tasks tugging at you. Or perhaps you like to sew or work with wood. No matter what your beloved activity, figure out a way to make it happen.

Even if it’s every other day or once a week, an important part of self-care is doing what makes your heart sing.

6. Stay in touch with your feelings.

You may think this sounds somewhat cliché. But the truth is that if you’re honest with yourself about how you feel, you’ll have more peace and contentment inside.

Living your life based on your real feelings will bring comfort and joy to your soul. It can be a challenge to be truthful with yourself and others about how you feel. But if you do, the rewards are great.

By engaging in activities and rituals that soothe you deep inside, you will be a more effective business leader and a happier person overall. You are like a race horse – you need care and attention if you expect yourself to perform at your best. You can experience a deeply satisfying life through practicing soul-soothing, self-care rituals on a regular basis.