Denise Gosnell

5 Strategies That Busy Entrepreneurs Can Use To Relax and Recover

“Rest” is a scary concept for many entrepreneurs. You may cringe every moment that you relax, thinking that your competition is using that moment to move even further ahead. However, without rest, you’ll quickly burn out. Resting and recovering from the trials and tribulations of running your business will help you perform better over the long term. Here are 5 ways you can rest when you need to, even when you don’t feel like it.

1.    Be Alone

You might find it fun, even energizing, to be around people, but social activity is also inherently draining. It might even convince you that you’ve rested, when all you’ve actually done is expend more energy. If you want to rest, sometimes you’ll have to isolate yourself for a few hours.

The good news is that you don’t have to sit in an empty room doing nothing. Doing something almost mindless or something you can do by rote is a great way to relax without getting bored out of your gourd. You can do this before you go to the office and get a little more rest, or after you come home so you can begin the process of shutting down for the day.

2.    Keep Your Brain Busy on Something Else

Trying to stop your brain from running is a pointless endeavor. If it wants to do something, it’ll keep you up until it gets what it wants. The good news is that usually you can keep it busy with something not work-related, something that you find fun and relaxing, and you’ll feed it the stimulus it needs. A good video game or a puzzle can keep your brain under control while simultaneously letting you blow off some steam.

Don’t expect to find the relaxation activity of your choice in a snap. Some things you find fun, may not be the kind of thing that lets you wind down after a long day. Experiment with different activities until you find a few that work.

3.    Put It on Paper

Inspiration can come from anywhere, and from anytime – and considering the challenges you face as an entrepreneur, you can’t afford to miss a single one. Doing so runs the risk of simply forgetting a critical strategy or idea that could help begin to turn the tide in your business’s favor. The fear of missing out on one of these thoughts can consume you. Unfortunately, these ideas can also come when you’re trying to rest, which might provoke you into embracing some unscheduled overtime just to see if your idea works.

Instead of doing that when you’re supposed to be resting, just write it down. Put down your thoughts in an idea journal, and refer to it when you’re on the clock. You can even extend this idea and fill in a journal every night as a way to process the day.

4.    Visualize Your Rest

One of the best tips you can follow as an entrepreneur is to visualize your goals and how you plan on accomplishing them. This cements these thoughts in your mind and keeps you on the ball when things inevitably get hectic. However, the benefits of visualization don’t end there. You can also use it to help yourself relax.

Get your mind off the business and onto more relaxing ideas by thinking about things that you find restful. Think about how you’ll be sitting in your favorite chair or watching your favorite show at home. That’ll help you refocus yourself and get in the mood to wind down. 

5.    Engage in Some Exercise

One of the best ways to rest is to simply tire yourself out. That might sound like a strange need, given how difficult running a business can be, but some days will leave you more energized than exhausted, which can make resting a little difficult. Fortunately, there’s something beneficial you can do to tucker yourself out, and that’s to exercise.

Exercise improves you physically and can help you get a good night’s rest. The good news is that studies have shown that exercising at night won’t keep you up, so feel free to schedule after-work gym sessions whenever you want.

It cannot be overstated how important it is to find rest as an entrepreneur if you want to sustain your business and health for the long term. If you can’t, you’ll most certainly find yourself burning out at some point. It’s better to make the time for rest and self care now, and you’ll perform better as a whole. Your business will also stand a better chance of lasting for the long term, as will you.

Living Your Life Without Regret

It’s hard to keep regret out of your life, especially as an entrepreneur who is constantly faced with tough decisions. No matter where you find yourself today, there’s a chance that you’ll have certain things you wish you did differently. When you strive to look at your situation with a different perspective, you’ll gain a better understanding about life and you’ll learn to live without regret.

While you won’t be able to completely eliminate regret in your life, you can take steps to reduce it. Strive to keep your life organized and live your life your way.

Establish Your Priorities

One way to begin living without regret is to sort out your priorities. Ask yourself what ultimate goal you’re working towards. Are you happy with where you are and where you’re going? If you’re living your life according to plan and you’re happy, then you have nothing to regret.

If changes need to be made, taking small steps may be of help to you. Once you’ve made decisions that you’re comfortable with, you may feel as if a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. This is regret leaving your life!

Live By the Golden Rule

Everyone can benefit by living his or her life with the golden rule in mind. The golden rule is known in all of the world’s religions. It’s special because it’s a concept that we can all agree on, despite our differences.

Simply stated, the golden rule is: “Treat people the way you’d like to be treated.” If you do this, you’ll definitely keep your regrets to a minimum. You’ll be learning how to treat people with kindness no matter what. You’ll be learning how to treat people fairly and you’ll gain empathy. When you put yourself in someone else’s shoes before you act, you’ll be less likely to engage in an act that you’ll regret later.

Take Swift Action

The next step is to take swift action in your life. You only have one life and the time is now. If your goals are clear and you know what you want, what are you waiting for? A common regret is not doing the things that are truly important to them. You need to do these things instead of putting them off until tomorrow!

Have you always wanted to start another business in a different industry, or perhaps start your own charity? Start one! Would you like to get back in touch with your father? Do it! Yes, it’s difficult, yet it’s also simple once you’ve made the commitment to act.

Daily Routines That Can Make You Happier

Most entrepreneurs live busy lives, and some might even say “crazy busy” lives. Often, we’re so busy juggling tasks and responsibilities that we forget to take the time to do the things that bring us happiness. Unfortunately, a lack of joy in your daily life can lead to unhappiness, and it can even have long term negative consequences on your health.

Several well-known studies demonstrate that positive emotions, such as joy, have a profound effect on your health. One such study entitled “Positive Emotion and Health: Going Beyond the Negative,” was published in the July 2005 issue of Health Psychology. According to this study:

Joy and optimism provided a 51% reduction in the rates of heart disease among men who were followed for 10 years during the study.

Positive emotions such as joy and hope not only reduce the incidence of heart disease, but they also have a protective effect against high blood pressure, diabetes, and upper respiratory infections.

Thankfully, no matter how busy your life may be, there are steps you can take to instantly boost your mood and health.

Try one of these easy ways to add some joy back into your life each day:

Take time to appreciate and revel in activities that delight you. Whenever you feel your energy beginning to dwindle during the day, take a break and focus on something that brings you pleasure.

Giving yourself permission to have little “joy breaks” throughout your day will instantly lift your mood, as well as help you reduce stress and recharge your energy.

Simple things like savoring a cup of your favorite coffee or reconnecting with an old friend have the ability to bring you joy.

The important thing to remember is to take time each day to focus on those simple activities that make you feel happier.

Count your blessings. If you’re having a particularly difficult or hectic day, you might find it tempting to focus on the negative aspects of the day. Instead, try focusing on the things that are going in a positive direction and be thankful.

Feeling and expressing gratitude are very powerful. Taking time to reflect on better times in the past, as well as the things that are currently going well, can instantly lift your mood and give you the strength to keep working towards your goals.

Consider keeping a “blessings journal” so that you have a physical record of the good things in your life. This will help lift you up and encourage you during the difficult times.

Shake things up and do something new. The old adage, “familiarity breeds contempt,” is certainly true when it comes to our daily lives. Why not try something completely different to rediscover your joy?

Your imagination is the only limit. To get started, why not explore a new route to and from your workplace? You could also try out a new recipe that features a novel ingredient.

Consider learning a new skill or hobby. When looking for something to try, pay attention to the dreams you’ve had as a child and adult. For example, did you ever dream of traveling to a faraway country in the past? Consider taking classes to learn that country’s language and then plan a trip.

It is incredibly important to make time for laughter and fun throughout your day. This will allow you to rediscover your joy, strengthen your health, and increase your own happiness. As an added benefit, your positive energy and outlook will also affect others around you and increase their level of joy, too!

The Necessity of Downtime For Faster Business Growth

In a society that values the constant “grind, grind, grind”, entrepreneurs who slow down and do less are judged and condemned. “They’re lazy slackers, and they’re a drain on society,” cry those who detest downtime in all of its forms. This often creates a feeling of severe guilt when we’re not working all the time, which is actually crazy to feel that way if you stop and think about it logically.

What I’ve personally discovered (and talk about a lot in my programs and podcast) is that endless meaningless activity kills the soul and keeps us from reaching our full potential in both business and life.

The next time you feel that you’re way too busy to take a timeout, that’s the exact time when you need downtime. Dare to do what’s best for you, and relax, play, or do nothing. You’ll be glad you did.

Turn Off Your Phone

Realize that you don’t have to be at everyone’s beck and call, that you determine which calls and emails you answer and make a priority, and which ones you don’t. Then turn your phone off; the world will not end if you are incommunicado for a while. Keep it off for as long as you like, and enjoy the peace and serenity that come when no one can disturb you. If anyone hassles you about not being unreachable, gleefully inform them that it is a new trend that will be happening more and more often.

Take a Day Off Work

When’s the last time you dared take a day off work? If you’re like many people, you probably go into the office even when you’re sick, spreading your germs and struggling to complete your task. This time, take a day off while you’re well, instead of waiting for the flu to hit. Enjoy breakfast out at your favorite restaurant. Take a walk through the park and observe nature. Sit on a bench and watch the squirrels run and play. Sit and watch silly daytime television shows and give your brain a break. You’ll be surprised how much you’re able to recharge your batteries by merely taking a break from the daily grind. There’s only one rule: no guilt!

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Watch those around you and notice how many people pride themselves on being busy at all times. Then see whether they’re honestly accomplishing anything or are just generating endless activity. Whether you’re a busy housewife or a corporate executive, figure out the most efficient way to get your work done, and then do it. Refuse to fill your day with meaningless busy work, and once you’ve done the real job, permit yourself to do absolutely nothing. (See my article called “4 Strategies For Working Smarter, Not Harder” for more tips on this subject.)

Permit Yourself to Play

When was the last time you played? “But I’m adult,” you say, “I don’t play.” So what? You’re an adult. That’s all the more reason you need to take time away from work and life and stress, and to have fun. Maybe you enjoy video games. No one has to know; it can be your dirty little secret. Take time out whenever you want and while away the evening driving fast cars, shooting bad guys and killing zombies. Who has to know? On the other hand, maybe you prefer an impromptu game of soccer, baseball, basketball or football with the neighborhood kids or the guys in the park. If so, join in and play until you are just as grimy, dirty and exhilarated as you got when you were a kid.

Go On Strike

Sometimes you’ve just had too much — too much work, too much stress and too much pressure. Before that happens, or after if it sneaks up on you, go on strike. You don’t have to thrash away like a crazed hamster stuck on a treadmill that spins ever faster. You decide what you add or subtract to your list of commitments. If you’d prefer not to serve as the president of your homeowners’ association, volunteer for the PTA or spend your weekend picking up trash at the local park, then merely refuse, firmly and politely. Go on strike from any unessential activity and use the time to sit and breath, muse, relax and meditate. In other words, just do nothing.

The notion that you have to stay busy every minute to keep up with your business and life simply isn’t true; it’s a mirage, a lie, a fallacy. Carve out as much time as possible to allow yourself to do nothing, and see how much better your life suddenly becomes.

Of course, I’m not saying to quit working forever. I’m just saying you need more downtime than you probably give yourself – and if you’re like most entrepreneurs, you need a LOT more downtime. And if you give it to yourself, you will be amazed at how you’ll make better decisions and discover innovative solutions even faster than you did before. Just try it. 🙂

P.S. If you would like more information on how to grow by doing less, check out my podcast episode called: Grow by Subtraction Using Forced Hyper-Efficiency