Denise Gosnell

It’s Time To Re-Claim Your Busy Life by Living Consciously

Do you sometimes feel like you’re just going through the motions in your business and personal life? You get up, go to work, interact with your employees, grind away, come home, have dinner, work some more, and go to bed. The next day, the routine starts all over again.

But what if you could become more connected with your own experiences? You’d enjoy life more, feel happier and more content, and have more control over your life. By living consciously, you can get back your life!

Make a decision now to live more consciously.

What Does it Mean to Live Consciously?

Living consciously involves re-gaining control over your life. Rather than doing something automatically and with no real thought, you’ll ponder what you want to do and how you want to go about it.

Living consciously means you get to see the people you wish to see and take part in the activities you prefer. When you live consciously, you consider what you want to eat and how you want to spend your hour of free time. You discover true freedom of choice.

Living Consciously in Everyday Life

You can see how living consciously ensures you’ll have a more fulfilling life. When you check back in to your own psyche, you’re in the driver’s seat. Sure, you still must arise in the morning, attend work, return home, and dine, but you give yourself more options to choose how you go about it.

When you live consciously, you can vary your daily routines or put in something that makes them a little more interesting:

  • Maybe you can get up 15 minutes earlier a few times a week to do that exercise DVD you’ve been wanting to get to.
  • Tired of eating cold cereal every day? Mix up your routine by having a piece of fresh fruit and some hot oatmeal or something else you’d like.
  • Refresh your evenings by taking a walk after dinner, having a rousing conversation with your partner about something funny from the day, or playing with your kids or pets.


When you get to work, think about that project you’ve really wanted to do. After all, as a business owner, you are the boss. If you’ve been wanting to do that special project, just carve out the time and do it! You’ll re-kindle your interests and experience the satisfaction that comes with consciously working on projects you desire to do.

As you do your routine tasks, concentrate on what you’re doing. Are you doing your best? Have you considered more effective, efficient methods for the tasks or projects at your job? The more you notice what you’re doing, the more you can strive to excel at the job.

Living consciously at work can win you promotions.

Free Time

In the evening at home, ponder what you truly want to do. Maybe you want to hang out with the guys in your neighbor’s garage for an hour. Or you really want to take up beading jewelry again.

Thinking consciously enables you to discover that you have the control in your life to do whatever it is that brings you joy, pleasure, and contentment.

Putting It All Together

To live consciously is to cease wasting time doing activities you’re not really interested in. When you make a personal vow to live consciously, you’re opening the door to a new, more joyousexistence.

  • What do you truly seek?
  • With whom do you choose to spend time?
  • How can you spend leisure time in ways that re-charge you and bring special joy?
  • How can you become more psychologically engaged in your work to increase your performance?
  • Are you taking care of your physical self the way you want and obtaining the results you desire?

Your answers to these questions will lead you down the path of conscious living.

Go ahead and take the first step in your journey toward reclaiming your life today. Say to yourself: “I will live consciously every moment of this day.” Repeat it tomorrow and the day after and embrace the joys of creating the life and business that you desire.

Denise Aids In Puerto Rico Relief

Denise Gosnell participated in a Puerto Rico relief event hosted by Maverick 1000 in December of 2017.

The group of Maverick mastermind members went to Puerto Rico to assist local entrepreneurs and villagers impacted by the devastating hurricane damage.

Denise also served on a panel of entrepreneurs who talked to local Puerto Rican entrepreneurs about how to overcome adversity in your business and your life.

Secrets To Growing Your Business Through Mastermind Groups

One of the most productive methods of growing a small business is through the use of mastermind groups. Mastermind groups combine the collective knowledge and efforts of a group of individuals working together to benefit a common cause. Mastermind groups have been highly successful in establishing many major enterprises in the business world today. The core purpose of these groups is to help each other succeed.

Benefits of Mastermind Groups

Mastermind groups can be divided into two categories — free and paid. Although both types of groups are beneficial, paid groups have a clear advantage in that individuals tend to participate much more in order to benefit from their investment. Through a mastermind group experience, you can do the following things:

1. Learn new business strategies and glean novel ideas from others

2. Get workable solutions to common business problems that may arise

3. Be held accountable for your actions to fellow group members, which motivates you to fulfill your business obligations

4. Gain encouragement and inspiration from fellow business owners to progress in your business endeavors. As others share their progress and successes, it will motivate you to move forward to do the same.

5. Increase your circle of friends and supporters to offset feelings of being alone in the fray. Through mastermind groups, you have the opportunity to share your vision and dreams with like-minded individuals and enjoy their company, input, and support toward your success.

These basic elements of mastermind groups can help you grow your business much faster and more effectively than if you were to work on your own.

How to Get the Most from Your Mastermind Group 

The key to getting the most out of a mastermind group is finding the right group for you. By keeping in mind your personal objectives for joining a mastermind group, you will have a better idea of what kind of group best suits your purpose. The following offers five tips on how to choose a mastermind group and get the most from your group experience.

Tip #1: Small is Good:

The size of your group is important to getting the results you desire. With large groups of 100 members or more, it can be difficult to get to know each other or establish long lasting friendships. In addition to benefiting from others’ business knowledge and expertise, mastermind grouping is also about building relationships and friendships. Having a smaller group between 5-25 people makes this aspect of it more feasible.

Tip #2: Take Your Group Seriously:

As mentioned earlier, mastermind groups can be either free or paid. Free groups have great potential, providing all members are committed to taking the group seriously and participating to the fullest. Unfortunately, if these aspects are lacking, you may fall short in your group experience. Members of paid groups, on the other hand, will more likely value their group in order to get the most from their investment.

No businessman likes to waste his time or money on something that gives little return. Whether you decide to join a free group or paid, make sure the members are wholehearted in their participation so that you will get more from your experience.

Tip #3: Meet Regularly:

To truly benefit from a mastermind group, it’s important for your group to meet regularly. This may be once a week, once or month, or quarterly, depending on the needs of your members. Some meetings could be in person, others by Skype or phone. If you are in a group of well-established businesses, monthly or quarterly meetings may suffice. Business startup groups may opt to meet more frequently, such as once a week.

During these meetings, you can glean new ideas and share suggestions from each other’s experiences that can be of great benefit during this crucial phase in your business. The start up phase of a business is often the most difficult. As such, you will appreciate all the inspiration and motivation you can get from your fellow business owners.

Tip #4: Be Open to the New and Avoid Criticism:

One of the quickest ways to kill a potential mastermind group is to criticize suggestions and ideas from others. You may not agree with every idea proposed, but it is important to encourage an atmosphere for sharing. When you encourage others to share their thoughts and ideas, great things can happen. A “not so good” idea may provide the spark for a brilliant idea to come.

Tip #5: Hold Each Other Accountable:

Positive peer pressure can be a tremendous asset to fellow business owners. Be sure to hold others accountable for the goals they are trying to reach. If a group member mentions wanting to meet a specific goal by the next meeting, be sure to inquire about the status of that goal when you next meet. This will encourage faster progress in the objectives each member wants to reach.

Mastermind groups offer an incredible opportunity for business owners to grow their business in a professional yet enjoyable setting. Whether you are starting a new business or own a well-established enterprise, you can benefit from the stimulating input that mastermind groups have to offer. If you are looking for a way to increase your potential for business growth and expansion while making fruitful relationships to benefit your future, then mastermind groups are what you seek.

Denise Attends Book Yourself Solid Certified Coach Training

From January 22-26, 2018, Denise Gosnell attended the Book Yourself Solid School of Coach Training event in New Jersey. Denise is currently a Book Yourself Solid Certified Coach In Training. More details about the Book Yourself Solid Certification can be found here:

Book Yourself Solid® is the fastest, easiest and most reliable system for getting more clients than you can handle, even if you hate marketing and selling!

Created by NY Times bestselling author, Michael Port, Book Yourself Solid® is the premier marketing system for service business owners.

Book Yourself Solid® is a registered trademark of Michael Port & Associates, LLC.  Certain materials used by Denise Gosnell (through Denise Gosnell Consulting, Inc.) in her products and services may be copyright works of Michael Port & Associates, LLC.

Michael Port & Associates, LLC is not an affiliate, sponsor, or partner of Denise Gosnell Consulting, Inc., nor is Michael Port & Associates LLC in any way responsible for your use of the products and services provided by Denise Gosnell Consulting, Inc.

Denise Sponsors Booth At Genius Network Event

In November 2017, Denise was a sponsor of the Genius Network Annual Event. The Genius Network Annual Event is limited to the smartest and most successful entrepreneurs in the world.  At Denise’s conference booth, she shared information about the best strategies to use to grow and protect your business.  Denise also shared information about the My Life and Wishes software that Denise is a partner in.  My Life and Wishes is a Virtual Vault for storing your most important documents in an organized fashion, to make it easier to access your most important details in the case of disaster, illness, or death.