Denise Gosnell

Wander with Purpose: Unleashing Personal Growth Through World Exploration

Have you ever felt the urge to break free from the monotony of daily life? Do you crave new experiences and desire to push your limits? If you answered yes, then it’s time to embark on a journey of self-discovery through travel. I, too, found myself in the same position over 20 years ago, and since then, my life has never been the same. Travel has been an essential part of my personal growth, and I’m here to share my experiences and insights to inspire you to take that first step.

The Road to Self-Discovery: My Personal Journey

My passion for travel has led me to four of the seven continents, and I’m determined to explore them all. Each journey has brought me closer to understanding the world and my place within it. For one week per month, I leave my comfort zone and immerse myself in the beauty of different cultures, landscapes, and experiences.

Traveling has not only enriched my life but also expanded my circle of friends. I’ve made connections with people from all corners of the globe, and these friendships have become invaluable. The ability to host and visit friends in various countries has made my trips even more memorable and has fostered a sense of global community that I cherish.

Tips for Traveling with Purpose: Planning, Business, and Budgeting

One of the keys to successful travel for personal growth is being proactive in your planning. I actively search for events in cities that pique my interest, such as cultural festivals, workshops, or conferences. This not only gives me a reason to visit a new destination but also ensures that I am constantly learning and growing during my travels.

For those who, like me, run a business or freelance, another helpful tip is to search for business-related events that can turn your trip into a business expense. By doing so, you can legally write off some of your travel costs on your taxes. I plan these trips months in advance, and I share my upcoming schedule in my weekly newsletter.

My love for travel has led me to establish a second home in Sedona, Arizona, where I can rejuvenate my soul and spark new ideas for my business. A change of scenery can work wonders in reinvigorating your mind and spirit, and it’s something I wholeheartedly encourage.

You don’t need to break the bank to experience the joys of travel. I urge you to travel within your budget, even if it means exploring a new state over a weekend. The important thing is to step out of your comfort zone and open yourself up to new experiences.

The Transformative Power of Travel: Unlocking Your Potential

What makes travel so transformative? It’s the opportunity to challenge yourself, to encounter new perspectives, and to grow as an individual. When we travel, we are exposed to new ways of thinking, living, and being. Each new place we visit offers a chance to learn something new about ourselves, and that is a priceless gift.

Travel has taught me the value of adaptability, resilience, and open-mindedness. It has shown me that I am capable of so much more than I ever believed possible. And I want you to experience the same.

A Call to Action: Embrace the World and Discover Your True Self

So, are you ready to embark on your own journey of self-discovery? Take that first step and open the door to a world of growth, learning, and new experiences. Remember, it’s not about the miles you travel but the personal growth you achieve along the way.

Travel far and wide, or start small with a weekend getaway. The choice is yours, but the important thing is to begin. And as you explore the world, don ‘t forget to share your experiences with others, inspiring them to embrace the transformative power of travel as well.

As you embark on this incredible journey, remember to stay open to new experiences, to be present in each moment, and to embrace the lessons that come your way. Traveling is not just about seeing new sights; it’s about finding yourself in the process.

Remember, personal growth is a lifelong journey, and travel is an incredible catalyst for self-discovery. As you venture into the unknown, you will uncover hidden strengths, passions, and talents that you never knew existed within you. The world is waiting for you, and the possibilities are endless.

So, go forth and explore, connect with people from all walks of life, and let the world become your classroom. Embrace the challenge, celebrate the victories, and learn from the setbacks. Through travel, you will not only discover new destinations but also uncover the untapped potential within yourself.

Are you ready to take the leap? Your journey to personal growth starts now.

Aligning Your Head and Heart: The Secret to Creating the Life You Want

It’s a well-known fact that having a positive attitude is essential for success in life and business. You’ve probably heard countless motivational speakers, successful entrepreneurs, and best-selling authors all emphasize the power of maintaining a positive mindset. While that’s undeniably true, there’s a crucial element that often gets overlooked: the role of emotion. In this article, we’ll explore how aligning your attitude with your emotions can supercharge your results and help you achieve your goals more quickly.

As the author of the quote, “Make today the way you want tomorrow to be,” I firmly believe that it captures the essence of this concept. By envisioning yourself as a future version who has already accomplished your desired outcomes, you not only cultivate the proper mindset but also embody the positive emotions associated with achievement. This approach can be a powerful tool for staying motivated and focused on your goals.

The Power of Emotion: Lining Up Your Heart with Your Head

To create the life you want, you need to do more than just think positive thoughts; you must also feel the positive emotions that come with having achieved the outcome you desire. When you align both your mind (attitude) and your heart (emotion), things truly happen more quickly. Emotions are the catalyst that transforms your attitude into action, creating a potent formula for success.

Here are some tips on how to align your head and your heart for maximum results:

  • Practice Gratitude
    Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can help you align your attitude and emotions. When you practice gratitude, you focus on the positive aspects of your life and business, fostering a sense of abundance and well-being. Make it a habit to list at least three things you’re grateful for each day. This simple act will help you attract more positivity and success into your life.
  • Visualize Your Ideal Life
    Each morning when you wake up, take a few minutes to visualize your ideal life. Imagine yourself living the life you desire, having already achieved your goals. Allow yourself to experience the positive emotions that come with that success. Visualization helps your subconscious mind believe that your goals are attainable, which, in turn, propels you toward achieving them.
  • Cultivate Positive Emotions
    Surround yourself with people and experiences that evoke positive emotions. Engage in activities that bring you joy, and nurture relationships with those who uplift and inspire you. The more you immerse yourself in positive emotions, the more you’ll attract success and happiness into your life.
  • Use Affirmations
    Affirmations are positive statements that help you replace negative beliefs with empowering ones. By repeating affirmations, you can reshape your mindset and align your emotions with your attitude. Write down some affirmations related to your goals and repeat them daily. This practice will help you maintain a positive attitude and create the emotional state needed for success.
  • Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity
    One of the biggest barriers to aligning your attitude and emotions is the fear of failure. Instead of dwelling on setbacks, view them as learning opportunities that bring you closer to your goals. This shift in perspective will help you cultivate resilience and a growth mindset, which are essential for success in life and business.
  • Adopt the “As If” Mindset
    Act as if you have already achieved your goals. Embody the confidence, mindset, and emotional state of your future successful self. By adopting this mindset, you’ll naturally start taking actions that align with your desired outcomes.

“Becoming Supernatural” by Dr. Joe Dispenza

If you’re looking for more information on aligning your attitude and emotions for success, a great book I recently read is “Becoming Supernatural” by Dr. Joe Dispenza. In this groundbreaking work, Dr. Dispenza explores the science behind personal transformation and provides practical strategies for harnessing the power of your thoughts and emotions to create a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Embrace the Power of Attitude and Emotion

As business owners, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks of running a company and lose sight of the bigger picture. But if you want to create the life you’ve always dreamed of, it’s crucial to align your attitude and emotions. By consciously cultivating positive emotions and combining them with a winning attitude, you’ll unlock a powerful synergy that propels you toward your goals faster than you ever thought possible.

Remember, “Make today the way you want tomorrow to be,” and step into the future version of yourself who has already achieved the results you desire. By aligning your head and your heart, you’ll not only build a thriving business but also create a fulfilling and successful life.

So, go ahead and practice gratitude, visualize your ideal life, cultivate positive emotions, use affirmations, embrace failure as a learning opportunity, adopt the “as if” mindset, and read “Becoming Supernatural” by Dr. Joe Dispenza. These tips will help you harness the power of attitude and emotion, and create the life and business you’ve always wanted. It’s not just about having a positive attitude; it’s about aligning that attitude with the powerful emotions that propel you toward your goals. When you master this alignment, you’ll truly experience the magic of creating the life you want.

Lessons from the Top: How Surrounding Myself with Smarter People Transformed My Life

“Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” This timeless quote by motivational speaker John Kuebler has been a guiding principle in my journey toward personal growth and success. It is a powerful reminder that the people we surround ourselves with have a significant impact on our lives. I have discovered the importance of building relationships with individuals who are more knowledgeable or experienced in areas I wish to grow in, and I want to share my insights with you.

The Synergy of Intellectual Friendships:

When I first embarked on my journey of personal development, I realized that surrounding myself with those who were where I wanted to be was vital. These intellectual friendships, whether they took the form of mentorships, friendships, or guides, became invaluable in my quest for growth. By engaging with those who had more experience in my areas of interest, I could learn from their successes and mistakes, receive valuable advice, and avoid pitfalls that may have otherwise hindered my progress.

In these relationships, I found that it was best when I was an expert in something my new friend sought to learn. This way, everyone felt valued and appreciated the unique contributions they brought to the table. As the old adage goes, “iron sharpens iron,” and I found that working together allowed us all to rise.

My Mastermind Experience:

One of the most transformative experiences in my journey was joining several mastermind groups. These paid memberships offer me an opportunity to collaborate with like-minded, intelligent individuals who share my goals and aspirations. Within these groups, we brainstorm, strategize, and support one another in our pursuits.

At first, the financial investment required for joining a mastermind group made me hesitant. The “pay-to-play” aspect might seem daunting; however, I found that the cost paled in comparison to the potential benefits. By gaining access to the experience and knowledge of others, I was able to accelerate my progress and make the investment worthwhile.

Rising Together:

Throughout my journey, I have found that the best and most enjoyable way to better myself is by rising with others. We can all learn from one another. As I engaged with smarter and more experienced individuals, I experienced a synergy that propelled me forward. My success was not solely dependent on my own efforts; rather, it was the result of a collective effort. In the words of motivational speaker Jim Rohn, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

Learning from Disagreements:

I quickly learned that I may not always agree with everything someone says. However, this should not dissuade me from learning from them. Disagreements can spark deeper thought and understanding, allowing me to refine my own beliefs and ideas. I embraced differing perspectives as opportunities for growth, discovering that there was always something to learn, even from those with whom I disagreed.

My journey of personal growth has taught me the immense value of surrounding myself with those who are smarter and more experienced. I have found tremendous value in intellectual friendships, mentorships, and mastermind groups, as they have allowed me to learn, grow, and rise with others. I encourage you to make a conscious effort to surround yourself with those who will elevate you, challenge you, and inspire you to achieve greatness. Cultivate relationships with smarter individuals, and watch as your own knowledge and experience flourish. Dare to dream, and together, let’s rise to unimaginable heights.

Live the Sweet Life: How to Embrace the Vacation Effect Every Week

Have you ever found yourself scrolling through social media, looking at photos of people enjoying exotic vacations or living a carefree lifestyle, and feeling a twinge of envy? Do you find yourself working long hours, sacrificing time with loved ones and hobbies, all in the name of success? What if I told you that you don’t have to wait for a vacation to live the good life? What if you could live the Vacation Effect Lifestyle every week?

I just got back from Aruba with my family, where we soaked up the sun and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. In Aruba, there’s a saying, “Biba Dushi,” which means “Living the Good Life.” In Italy, they call it “La Dolce Vida,” which means “The Sweet Life.” It’s the idea of living life to the fullest, enjoying the simple things, and finding joy in every moment.

There are many other sayings around the world that convey the same message of living life to the fullest. In Spain, people say “Disfrutar de la vida,” which translates to “Enjoying life.” The French have their own version with “Joie de vivre,” which means “Joy of living.” In Japan, they say “Yugen,” which means “profound grace and subtlety.” And in Brazil, they say “Saudade,” which is a longing for something that was once there but is no longer present. These phrases remind us to appreciate the present moment and to find beauty in the world around us. By adopting this mindset, we can live a more fulfilling and satisfying life every week, not just when we’re on vacation.

As a busy business owner, it can be challenging to find the time to live the sweet life. But it’s not impossible. Here are some tips to help you live the Vacation Effect Lifestyle every week:

1. Define What Living the Good Life Means to You

Before you can start living the sweet life, you need to define what it means to you. For some people, it might mean traveling the world, while for others, it might mean spending more time with loved ones or pursuing a hobby. Take some time to reflect on what brings you joy and fulfillment. Write down your goals and aspirations, and use them as a guide to create a life that you love.

2. Embrace the Power of Saying No

One of the biggest barriers to living the sweet life is a lack of time. As a busy business owner, it’s easy to fall into the trap of saying yes to everything, but that only leads to burnout and stress. Embrace the power of saying no to things that don’t align with your goals or bring you joy. Learn to prioritize your time and focus on the things that matter most.

3. Let Go of Someday Maybes

In my book “The Vacation Effect for Entrepreneurs,” I talk about the concept of Someday Maybes. These are all the things we want to do, but we keep putting off until someday. Someday Maybes can hold us back from living the sweet life. Let go of the fear and uncertainty, and start pursuing the things that bring you joy today. Don’t wait for the perfect moment, because it may never come.

4. Implement the Pareto Principle

The Pareto Principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, states that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. In other words, 20% of your efforts will yield 80% of the results. Identify the 20% of your activities that yield the most results and focus on them. Let go of the other 80% that’s not adding value or bringing you closer to your goals.

5. Schedule Your Time Wisely

Time is our most valuable asset, and it’s essential to use it wisely. Schedule your time in a way that aligns with your goals and priorities. Block off time for work, but also schedule time for leisure, self-care, and pursuing your passions. When you schedule your time, you’re more likely to follow through and make the most of every moment.

Living the sweet life is not about waiting for the perfect moment or having endless amounts of free time. It’s about embracing the present moment, finding joy in the simple things, and pursuing your goals and passions. The sweet life is available to everyone, regardless of their circumstances.

So, what are you waiting for? Start living the Vacation Effect Lifestyle every week. Define what the sweet life means to you, embrace the power of saying no, let go of Someday Maybes, and prioritize your time and energy on the things that truly matter. Remember, living the sweet life is not just about taking lavish vacations or indulging in luxury items, but about finding joy and contentment in everyday moments. It’s about cultivating meaningful relationships, pursuing your passions, and taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional health. It’s about living with intention, purpose, and gratitude, and savoring the simple pleasures of life. So, take a deep breath, and make a commitment to yourself to start living the Vacation Effect Lifestyle today. You deserve it!

Expand Your Business Library: 10 Must-Read Books for Business Owners in 2023

In the ever-evolving world of business, it’s crucial for entrepreneurs and business owners to keep learning and stay ahead of the curve. To help you do just that, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 business books you need to read in 2023. These books cover a wide range of topics, from time management to marketing, and are written by some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the industry. So, without further ado, let’s dive into our top picks!

1. Come Up For Air: How Regular Humans Can Create Exceptional Companies by Nick Sonnenberg
In “Come Up For Air,” Nick Sonnenberg, a successful entrepreneur and productivity expert, shares his strategies for optimizing time and staying focused on what truly matters. Sonnenberg’s methods can help you redefine your priorities, streamline your workflow, and make better decisions in your business. If you often find yourself overwhelmed by endless to-do lists and competing demands, this book is a must-read. Buy on Amazon

2. Buy Back Your Time: Get Unstuck, Reclaim Your Purpose, and Scale Your Business by Dan Martell
Dan Martell’s unique approach to time management and personal development is a game-changer for business owners. He shares his proven framework for business owners to break free from the daily grind, rediscover their purpose, and scale their business. The book “Buy Back Your Time” is perfect for anyone looking to regain control over their time and take their business to new heights. Buy on Amazon

3. Second In Command: The Chief Behind the Chief by Cameron Herold
Cameron Herold’s “Second In Command” is a powerful book that I’ve found essential for any business owner. It focuses on the importance of the Chief Operating Officer (COO) role in a company’s success. Herold, an experienced entrepreneur and former COO himself, shares valuable insights and strategies for business owners to find, onboard, and effectively work with a second in command. Trust me, your company will thank you for learning these delegation and culture-building secrets! Buy on Amazon

4. What’s In It For Them: How to Make More Money By Giving More to Your Clients by Joe Polish Joe Polish’s “What’s In It For Them” has taught me the art of persuasion and the importance of creating win-win situations in business. In this book, Polish, a renowned marketing expert, shares his secrets for crafting offers that are irresistible to both customers and partners. By putting the focus on the value and benefits you provide to others, you can improve customer loyalty, increase revenue, and build strong partnerships. I can’t recommend this book enough for business owners looking to strengthen their marketing and negotiation skills. Buy on Amazon

5. The Automatic Marketing Machine: Simplify Your Business and Multiply Your Results by RJon Robins and Danny Decker
RJon Robins and Danny Decker’s insightful book will transform the way you approach marketing for your business. Discover the secrets to building a powerful, automated marketing system that consistently generates leads and drives revenue growth. By implementing these strategies, you’ll free up valuable time and watch your business thrive like never before! Buy on Amazon

6. 10x Is Easier Than 2x: How World-Class Entrepreneurs Achieve More by Doing Less by Dan Sullivan with Dr. Benjamin Hardy
I am eagerly awaiting the release of Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy’s new book, “10X Is Easier than 2X: How World-Class Entrepreneurs Achieve More by Doing Less,” which is set to come out in May. Sullivan, the founder of Strategic Coach and a leading entrepreneurial coach, is known for his innovative thinking and ability to help business owners achieve exponential growth. This book promises to reveal strategies for achieving tenfold growth while simplifying your workload and focusing on the most important aspects of your business. I have no doubt that “10X Is Easier than 2X” will be filled with invaluable insights for business owners like you and me.! Pre-order on Amazon

7. The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups by Daniel Coyle
In this captivating book, Daniel Coyle delves into the world of high-performing teams to uncover the key ingredients behind their success. Learn how to create a strong company culture, foster collaboration, and build a workplace where everyone thrives. If you’re looking to boost your team’s performance and create an environment that nurtures success, this book is an absolute must-read. Buy on Amazon

8. Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity by Kim Scott
Kim Scott’s insightful approach to management focuses on building strong relationships and fostering a supportive work environment. Learn how to strike the perfect balance between caring for your team and challenging them to reach their full potential. Your team will flourish with the guidance and techniques found in this remarkable book! Buy on Amazon

9. Powerful: Building a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility by Patty McCord
Drawing from her experience as Netflix’s former Chief Talent Officer, Patty McCord shares her unique perspective on creating a high-performing company culture that emphasizes freedom and responsibility. Get ready to be inspired and learn how to ignite a powerful culture that drives success and innovation within your business. Buy on Amazon

10. $100M Offers: How to Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No by Alex Hormozi
In this game-changing book, Alex Hormozi reveals the secrets behind crafting irresistible offers that customers simply can’t refuse. Learn how to tap into your target market’s deepest desires, create unbeatable value propositions, and present your offers in a way that leaves your customers feeling like they’d be crazy to say no. With these strategies in hand, you’ll be well on your way to skyrocketing your revenue and building a loyal customer base. Buy on Amazon

With this diverse and inspiring collection of must-read business books, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle any challenge that comes your way in 2023. These books offer valuable insights, strategies, and inspiration to help you grow and excel in your business endeavors. So, grab a cup of coffee, find a cozy spot, and dive into these amazing reads!

Navigating the AI Minefield: Maximizing Benefits and Avoiding Pitfalls for Your Business

As a business owner in the digital age, you are likely familiar with the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI). From virtual assistants to customer service chatbots, AI has revolutionized the way businesses operate, offering numerous opportunities to grow and streamline operations. However, as with any powerful technology, there are potential pitfalls to be aware of. I haven’t been this excited about technology in years, but these AI advancements also introduce new pitfalls to be aware of.

Remember the quote, “The best way to predict the future is to create it yourself”? In the context of AI, this means taking control of the technology and shaping it to fit your business needs, rather than blindly following trends or hoping for a miracle.

In this article, we’ll explore how to maximize the benefits of AI while avoiding common pitfalls. We’ll dive into several examples, including the importance of fact-checking AI output, treating AI like a team member, and finding the right fit for AI in your business processes.

Don’t Share Anything Confidential

Make sure you don’t share anything confidential about your business or your clients with AI tools. You should assume that your inputs will either be used to train the AI engine or could be searched by others in the future.

Think of an AI chatbot like the Google search engine. You wouldn’t run a search with super-confidential information in a Google search because you know Google indexes it. Nor should you load that type of information into a chatbot if you want to best protect it.

Fact-Checking AI Output: Trust but Verify

AI has made mind-blowing strides in just the past few months, but it’s crucial to remember that it’s not infallible. While AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data quickly and accurately, they can also produce misleading or inaccurate results. This is especially true when working with unstructured data, like natural language or images.

For example, if you’re using AI to analyze customer feedback, the algorithm might struggle to interpret sarcasm or idiomatic expressions, leading to misunderstandings. Similarly, image recognition software might misidentify objects or individuals in photos, leading to false conclusions. As yet another example, AI might give incorrect article citations or dead links.

To maximize the benefits of AI, always fact-check its output. This doesn’t mean you need to verify every single data point, but it’s important to establish a system for cross-referencing AI-generated insights with human knowledge. Establishing a “trust but verify” approach will help you harness the power of AI while avoiding costly errors.

Talk to AI Like a Team Member

AI systems learn and improve over time, especially when they receive feedback. Just like you’d give to a human team member, providing conversational instructions and initial instructions and feedback on a project, providing feedback to your AI tools helps them understand what direction to go and where they need improvement.

For instance, if you’re using an AI tool to help you write a blog article, was it able to understand your request for the direction to take the article? Did you give it enough direction like you would to a team member on what you wanted to see? Your input can help the AI system refine its understanding and ultimately provide better service.

Don’t Force AI to Fit Where It Doesn’t: Find the Right Applications

AI has incredible potential, but it’s not a magic wand that can solve every problem. Trying to force AI into situations where it’s not the best fit can lead to frustration and wasted resources. Instead, take a step back and assess your current processes to identify where AI can truly make a difference.

For example, if your business relies heavily on manual data entry, implementing AI-powered Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software can dramatically reduce errors and save time. Alternatively, if your sales team spends countless hours prospecting leads, an AI tool that predicts customer behavior and identifies high-potential leads could significantly boost productivity.

By carefully selecting the right AI applications, you’ll be able to automate and streamline your operations without introducing unnecessary complexity or frustration.

Additional Tips for Navigating AI Pitfalls

  1. Start Small: Rather than attempting a massive AI overhaul, begin with smaller projects that can deliver quick wins. This will help you build confidence in the technology and allow you to hone your AI implementation skills before tackling larger, more complex initiatives.
  2. Invest in Education and Training: Ensure that your team is well-versed in the AI tools you’re using. Providing training and educational resources not only empowers your employees but also reduces the likelihood of errors caused by misunderstandings or misuse of the technology.
  3. Choose the Right AI Vendor: Leverage reputable AI vendors who have a proven track record in your industry. A reliable vendor can provide valuable guidance and support throughout the AI implementation process, helping you avoid common pitfalls.
  4. Keep an Eye on Ethics: AI has the potential to revolutionize business processes, but it can also introduce ethical challenges, such as bias in algorithms or invasion of privacy. Stay informed about ethical concerns related to AI and make sure your company’s practices align with best practices and guidelines.
  5. Evaluate ROI: Regularly assess the return on investment (ROI) of your AI initiatives. This will help you identify which projects are generating value for your business and which ones may need to be adjusted or abandoned.
  6. Stay Informed: AI technology is evolving rapidly, and staying up-to-date on the latest developments can help you make more informed decisions about how to leverage AI in your business. Attend industry conferences, read research papers, and follow thought leaders to stay on the cutting edge of AI innovation.

AI technology has the potential to transform the way businesses operate, offering countless opportunities for growth and efficiency. However, navigating the AI landscape can be challenging, especially for business owners who are new to the technology. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this article, you can maximize the benefits of AI while sidestepping common pitfalls. Ultimately, the key to AI success lies in understanding its limitations, choosing the right applications, and continuously refining your approach as you learn and grow.