Denise Gosnell

Evaluating Company Progress: A Second Quarter Checkpoint for Annual Goals

As the first quarter of the year comes to a close, now is the perfect time for business owners to evaluate their company’s progress on their annual goals. The beginning of the second quarter presents an opportunity to reassess, adjust, and make critical decisions that will drive growth and success throughout the rest of the year. This article will guide you through the evaluation process and provide tips on what to consider as you move forward into the second quarter for your business.

Evaluating and Adjusting Your Business Goals

1. Review and Analyze Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

To effectively evaluate your company’s progress, begin by reviewing the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) you established at the start of the year. These metrics are essential for monitoring your company’s health and identifying areas of success or concern. Comparing your Q1 performance to your annual goals will give you a clear understanding of where you stand and whether adjustments need to be made.

2. Assess Your Financial Performance

Financial analysis is a vital component of evaluating progress. Examine your income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement to understand your company’s financial health. Compare your Q1 results to your annual budget and projections. Take note of any discrepancies and identify the reasons for these differences, such as unexpected expenses, increased sales, or changes in the market.

3. Strengthen Your Cash Flow Management

Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business, and managing it effectively is critical for long-term success. As you enter the second quarter, revisit your cash flow management practices to ensure you’re maximizing incoming revenue and minimizing expenses. Identify opportunities for improving payment terms with suppliers, reducing overhead costs, or optimizing your inventory management.

4. Evaluate Employee Performance and Morale

Your employees play a critical role in achieving your annual goals. Assess employee performance through performance reviews and by monitoring their progress on individual and team goals. Additionally, gauge employee morale through regular check-ins or anonymous surveys. High employee morale can significantly impact productivity and company culture, which directly contribute to the success of your business.

5. Reflect on Customer Feedback and Satisfaction

Customer feedback provides valuable insight into your company’s strengths and weaknesses. Regularly collect customer feedback through surveys, reviews, or direct communication. Analyze this information to understand your customers’ needs and identify areas where improvements can be made. Happy customers are more likely to remain loyal and refer others to your business, contributing to long-term growth and success.

6. Implement Process Improvements

The second quarter is an excellent time to implement process improvements. Use the insights gained from your evaluation to identify areas where efficiency can be increased, costs can be reduced, or customer experience can be improved. By making these changes early in the year, you’ll have more time to see the benefits and adjust your strategy as needed.

7. Reassess Your Marketing Strategy

Your marketing strategy should evolve with your business and the market landscape. Analyze the effectiveness of your current marketing efforts and identify any necessary adjustments. Consider exploring new marketing channels or tactics, such as social media advertising, content marketing, or partnerships. Continuously refining your marketing strategy will help you reach more customers and drive growth throughout the year.

8. Plan for Future Growth

The second quarter is an excellent time to start planning for future growth. With a better understanding of your company’s current position and progress toward annual goals, you can more accurately project where your business is headed. Develop a growth plan that outlines how you will expand your product or service offerings, enter new markets, or increase market share.

9. Invest in Employee Development

Investing in employee development is crucial for maintaining a skilled and motivated workforce. Providing ongoing training, mentoring, and growth opportunities can lead to increased job satisfaction and better performance. Prioritize employee development in the second quarter to ensure your team is well-equipped to meet your annual goals.

10. Foster a Culture of Continuous Improvement

Creating a culture of continuous improvement within your organization can help you stay agile and adaptable in a rapidly changing business environment. Encourage employees to proactively identify areas for improvement and involve them in the decision-making process. This collaborative approach can lead to more innovative solutions and help your team feel more invested in the success of the business.

11. Stay Informed of Industry Trends and Market Changes

The business landscape is always evolving, and it’s crucial for business owners to stay informed of industry trends and market changes. Regularly review industry news, attend conferences or webinars, and participate in networking events to ensure you’re aware of the latest developments. By staying informed, you can anticipate changes and adjust your strategy accordingly to remain competitive.

Evaluating your company’s progress on annual goals at the beginning of the second quarter is essential for staying on track and identifying areas for improvement. By revisiting your goals, adjusting your strategies, and implementing process improvements, you can set your business up for continued success throughout the year. Remember to invest in employee development, reassess your marketing strategy, and foster a culture of continuous improvement to ensure your organization remains agile and adaptable in a constantly changing business environment. Taking the time to regularly evaluate and adjust your goals will help you achieve long-term growth and success for your business.

The Power of Pause: How Taking Time Off Can Ignite Your Entrepreneurial Spirit

As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to get caught up in the never-ending pursuit of success. The demands of starting and running a business can often lead to long hours, immense pressure, and little time for anything else.

However, it’s crucial for business owners to understand the importance of taking time off regularly to recharge and rejuvenate. Giving yourself space to think can lead to some of your best ideas, ultimately benefiting both you and your business in the long run.

The Importance of Taking Time Off:

Entrepreneurs are known for their dedication and commitment to their ventures, but the key to success lies in striking a healthy balance between work and personal life. Personally, I have found that taking two business days off each week has greatly helped me rest, recharge, and come up with some of my best ideas. At first, I felt guilty for stepping away from the hustle and grind, but this practice taught me to trust my team and allowed them to step up, while I enjoyed much-needed recharge time.

Taking time off allows you to recharge your mental and emotional batteries, leading to increased productivity, enhanced creativity, and improved problem-solving abilities when you return to work. Moreover, time away from your business can provide you with a fresh perspective and new insights, as well as the opportunity to gain knowledge and explore new interests. These experiences can lead to innovative ideas that can transform your business, giving you a competitive edge in the market.

Ways to Spend Your Time Off:

1. Doing Things for Yourself: Take the time to indulge in activities that make you happy and bring joy to your life. This could include a relaxing spa day, going for a hike in nature, or reading that book you’ve been meaning to pick up. Prioritizing self-care can help you manage stress, making you a more effective leader.

2. Volunteering: Volunteering for a cause that you’re passionate about can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Not only does it give you a sense of purpose and fulfillment, but it also allows you to connect with like-minded individuals who may inspire you and offer new perspectives on your business.

3. Learning a New Skill: Personal growth and development is an essential aspect of life, and time away from work can be a great opportunity to learn something new. Whether it’s taking up a cooking class, learning a new language, or mastering a musical instrument, the skills you gain can enrich your life and even contribute to your business’s success.

4. Investing in a New Business: As an entrepreneur, you likely have a keen eye for opportunity. Use your time off to research and explore new business ideas or even invest in a promising start-up. This can provide you with additional income streams and open doors to new partnerships and collaborations.

5. Spending Time with Family: The support of your loved ones is invaluable, and spending quality time with them is crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Use your time off to create lasting memories, whether it’s through family vacations, weekend getaways, or simply enjoying a home-cooked meal together.

6. Finding New Hobbies: Hobbies are an excellent way to relieve stress and fuel your creativity. They can also help you develop new skills and forge connections with others who share your interests. From painting and gardening to photography and woodworking, the possibilities are endless.

Taking time off as an entrepreneur is not only beneficial for your mental and emotional well-being, but it can also lead to groundbreaking ideas that can elevate your business. By giving yourself space to think, you open yourself up to new experiences and insights that can ultimately contribute to your success.

Remember that a well-rested, happy, and fulfilled entrepreneur is a more effective and inspired leader. So, don’t hesitate to take that well-deserved break and watch your business thrive.

Denise Honored As A Guest Speaker for WE Global in Celebration of International Women’s Day

In celebration of the International Women’s Day on March 8, 2023, Denise was honored to be one of the guest speakers for WE global, where she discussed some of the principles from her book, The Vacation Effect for Entrepreneurs.

Some of the things she talked about include:

  • Building a business around your life
  • Identifying and living your life purpose
  • Having both free time and business growth.

Visit this page to find out more about her book.

Embracing Diversity: Why It Matters for Your Business

As a business owner, you know that success depends on a variety of factors. One of the most important of these is the people you hire. It’s not just about finding the right skills and experience, though – it’s also about building a team that is diverse and inclusive.

Diversity and inclusion are not just buzzwords – they are crucial for businesses of all sizes. By embracing these principles, you can not only build a more effective and productive team, but also create a workplace that is welcoming and respectful to all.

Why Diversity and Inclusion Matter

The benefits of diversity and inclusion are clear. First and foremost, a diverse team brings a range of perspectives and experiences to the table. This means that you can approach problems from multiple angles, leading to more innovative and creative solutions. It also means that you can better understand and serve a diverse customer base.

In addition, a diverse and inclusive workplace is more attractive to job seekers. Top talent wants to work for companies that value diversity and create an environment where everyone feels valued and included.

Beyond these practical benefits, diversity and inclusion are simply the right thing to do. Every individual deserves to be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic.

Tips for Achieving Diversity and Inclusion

Building a diverse and inclusive team is not always easy, but it is worth the effort. Here are a few tips to get you started:

1. Start with a Plan

Before you can achieve diversity and inclusion, you need to have a plan in place. This should involve setting goals and creating a strategy for achieving them. You may want to consider hiring a diversity and inclusion consultant or creating a diversity and inclusion task force to help guide your efforts.

2. Recruit Diverse Candidates

To build a diverse team, you need to recruit diverse candidates. This may involve posting job openings in a variety of places, including job boards, social media, and professional associations. You may also want to partner with organizations that focus on promoting diversity in the workplace.

 3. Create an Inclusive Environment

Simply hiring diverse employees is not enough – you also need to create an environment where everyone feels welcome and valued. This may involve offering training on diversity and inclusion, creating employee resource groups, and ensuring that your policies and practices are fair and equitable.

4. Encourage Open Communication

One of the most important aspects of creating an inclusive workplace is encouraging open communication. This means creating a culture where employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas, and where feedback is welcomed and valued.

5. Celebrate Differences

Finally, it’s important to celebrate the differences that make your team unique. This means recognizing and valuing the diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives of your employees. By doing so, you can create a culture that is not just diverse and inclusive, but also dynamic and inspiring.

An Analogy: The Puzzle Pieces

Diversity and inclusion can be compared to a jigsaw puzzle. Each piece of the puzzle represents an individual with unique skills, experiences, and perspectives. When all the pieces are put together, the puzzle is complete – just like a diverse and inclusive team is stronger and more effective than one made up of identical individuals.

The importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace cannot be overstated. By embracing these principles, businesses can create a more effective and productive team, as well as a workplace that is welcoming and respectful to all. By setting goals, recruiting diverse candidates, creating an inclusive environment, encouraging open communication, and celebrating differences, business owners can take practical steps to achieve diversity and inclusion in their businesses. And by doing so, they can create a workplace that is not just successful, but also reflective of the world around us. As the quote from Malcolm Forbes says, “Diversity: the art of thinking independently together.”

Personal Brand vs Business Brand: Which One Should You Focus on Building?

As a business owner, you may have heard the terms “personal brand” and “business brand” thrown around before. But what do they really mean, and which one should you focus on building? In reality, both are crucial for the success of your business. In this article, we will explore why it’s important to build both a strong business brand and a personal brand, as well as tips and steps for building brand awareness.

Why You Need Both a Strong Business Brand and Personal Brand

First, let’s talk about what a business brand and personal brand actually are. A business brand refers to the reputation and image of your company, including its products, services, and values. A personal brand, on the other hand, refers to the reputation and image of you as an individual, including your skills, knowledge, and personality.

While it’s important to build a strong business brand so that you have an asset that you can sell in the future, it’s also important to build a personal brand so that the money you spend growing your business can transfer to you and other things you may do in the future. By building a personal brand, you establish yourself as an authority in your industry and increase your credibility with potential customers.

Another benefit of building a personal brand is that it can help you build relationships with other industry leaders and influencers. This can lead to opportunities for partnerships, collaborations, and speaking engagements.

In addition, a personal brand can help you build a loyal following of customers who are interested in your story, values, and vision. People are more likely to do business with companies that they trust, and by building a personal brand, you can establish that trust with your audience.

Tips for Building Business Brand Awareness

Now that we’ve established why it’s important to build both a strong business brand and personal brand, let’s dive into some tips for building business brand awareness.

1. Define your brand identity: Before you can start building brand awareness, you need to define your brand identity. This includes your company’s mission, values, and unique selling proposition. Once you have a clear understanding of your brand identity, you can start creating content and messaging that aligns with it.

2. Use social media: Social media is a powerful tool for building brand awareness. Make sure you have a presence on all the major social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Use these platforms to share content, engage with your audience, and promote your products and services. For example, I have business pages on Facebook and LinkedIn. (I also have public figure pages on Facebook and LinkedIn which I explain in a later section).

3. Create valuable content: In order to attract and retain customers, you need to create valuable content that resonates with them. This can include blog posts, videos, infographics, and more. Make sure your content is informative, engaging, and aligns with your brand identity.

4. Network with other businesses: Building relationships with other businesses in your industry can help you expand your reach and build brand awareness. Attend industry conferences, join networking groups, and participate in online forums to connect with other business owners and influencers.

Tips for Building Personal Brand Awareness

Now that we’ve covered some tips for building business brand awareness, let’s move on to tips for building personal brand awareness.

1. Define your personal brand: Just like with your business brand, you need to define your personal brand identity. This includes identifying your unique strengths, skills, and values. Once you have a clear understanding of your personal brand, you can start creating content and messaging that aligns with it.

2. Use social media: Social media is also a powerful tool for building personal brand awareness. Create a public figure page on Facebook or LinkedIn and use these platforms to share your expertise, engage with your audience, and showcase your personality. Use a consistent voice and messaging across all your social media platforms to establish a cohesive personal brand. For example, I have a public figure page on Facebook and LinkedIn where I share my thoughts and insights on topics related to my industry.

3. Create valuable content: Similar to building business brand awareness, creating valuable content is essential for building personal brand awareness. Write blog posts, create videos, and share articles on social media that showcase your expertise and knowledge in your industry. This will help establish you as a thought leader and increase your credibility with your audience.

4. Engage with your audience: Building a personal brand is all about building relationships with your audience. Engage with your audience on social media by responding to comments and messages, asking questions, and starting conversations. This will help you establish a personal connection with your audience and build a loyal following.

5. Leverage speaking opportunities: Speaking engagements can be a powerful way to build your personal brand and establish yourself as an authority in your industry. Look for speaking opportunities at conferences, industry events, and webinars. This will help you reach a wider audience and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

Tools and Resources for Building Business and Personal Brand Awareness

Now that we’ve covered some tips for building brand awareness, let’s look at some tools and resources that can help you along the way.

  • Canva: Canva is a design platform that allows you to create professional-looking graphics and marketing materials. This can be particularly useful for building brand awareness by creating visually appealing social media posts and other marketing materials. Visit to learn more.
  • Hootsuite: Hootsuite is a social media management tool that allows you to schedule posts, monitor social media activity, and track analytics. This can be particularly useful for building brand awareness by ensuring that your social media presence is consistent and engaging. Visit to learn more.
  • Hubspot: Hubspot is an all-in-one marketing platform that includes tools for email marketing, social media management, lead generation, and more. This can be particularly useful for building brand awareness by providing a comprehensive set of tools to manage your marketing efforts. Visit to learn more.

In conclusion, building both a strong business brand and personal brand is essential for the success of your business. By building a strong business brand, you create an asset that has value independently of you. By building a strong personal brand, you establish yourself as an authority in your industry and increase your credibility with potential customers. Use the tips and tools we’ve discussed in this article to build your brand awareness and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. Remember to stay consistent, engage with your audience, and create valuable content that aligns with your brand identity.

Protecting Your Business from Uncertainties: Effective Risk Management Tips for Entrepreneurs

As a business owner, risk management is a critical aspect of running a successful and sustainable business. Every business, regardless of its size or industry, is exposed to various risks that can cause significant harm to its operations, finances, reputation, and growth prospects. Effective risk management helps businesses identify, assess, and mitigate potential risks and uncertainties, enabling them to make informed decisions and take proactive measures to protect their interests.

Risk management involves a systematic and ongoing process of identifying, analyzing, evaluating, and responding to risks. It requires a proactive approach that involves planning, implementing, and monitoring risk management strategies and activities.

Let’s use an analogy to help set the context for why this matters. Before you embark on a long journey, you check the fuel gauge, engine oil, tire pressure, brakes, and other components to ensure that the car is in good condition for the journey. Similarly, as a business owner, you should conduct regular checkups on your operations, finances, and risk management strategies to ensure that you are adequately prepared for any potential risks that may come their way.

With that as background, let’s look at 6 tips that can help you effectively identify and mitigate your business risks:

1. Identify Potential Risks

The first step in effective risk management is to identify potential risks that your business is likely to face. Risks can come from various sources, including internal factors such as operational failures, financial mismanagement, or employee negligence, and external factors such as market fluctuations, natural disasters, or regulatory changes.

To identify potential risks, businesses can conduct a risk assessment that involves reviewing their operations, finances, industry trends, and legal requirements. This can help businesses identify and prioritize the most significant risks that may impact their business.

For example, suppose you are running a manufacturing business that relies heavily on a single supplier for raw materials. In that case, a disruption in the supply chain due to natural disasters or other external factors can significantly impact your production and sales. Therefore, it is essential to identify this potential risk and come up with contingency plans to mitigate its impact.

2. Develop a Risk Management Plan

Once you have identified potential risks, the next step is to develop a risk management plan that outlines how you will manage those risks. A risk management plan should include specific strategies and actions that you will take to minimize or mitigate the impact of potential risks on your business.

For example, if your business is exposed to cybersecurity risks, you can develop a risk management plan that includes strategies such as data backup and recovery, regular software updates and patches, employee training on cybersecurity best practices, and using robust security software and tools.

The risk management plan should also include specific roles and responsibilities for employees and stakeholders, a timeline for implementing risk management strategies, and a process for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of those strategies.

3. Investing in Insurance

Insurance is an essential tool for managing risks in any business. Insurance policies can provide financial protection against potential risks such as property damage, liability claims, and business interruption. By investing in insurance, businesses can transfer some of the risks they face to insurance companies, reducing their exposure to financial losses.

Business owners should evaluate their insurance needs and invest in policies that provide comprehensive coverage for the most significant risks they face. For example, if you run a retail business, you may need insurance policies such as general liability insurance, property insurance, and workers’ compensation insurance to protect your business against potential risks.

However, it is essential to note that insurance policies may not cover all risks or provide complete protection against financial losses. Therefore, businesses should also develop contingency plans and emergency funds to address risks that are not covered by insurance.

4. Diversifying Your Investments

Diversification is an effective risk management strategy that can help businesses reduce their exposure to potential risks. By diversifying their investments, businesses can spread their risks across different assets, markets, and industries, reducing the impact of any single risk on their overall business operations and finances.

For example, if your business relies heavily on a single product or service, diversification can help you minimize the impact of any market or industry-specific risks. By expanding your product or service offerings or entering new markets, you can spread your risks across multiple revenue streams and reduce your dependence on any single product or market.

5. Maintaining Adequate Cash Reserves

Cash reserves are critical for managing risks in any business. Adequate cash reserves can provide a cushion against potential financial losses or emergencies, enabling businesses to maintain operations and meet their financial obligations.

Business owners should evaluate their cash flow and determine an appropriate level of cash reserves that they need to maintain. This can depend on various factors such as the nature of the business, industry trends, and financial obligations.

For example, if your business is seasonal or depends on a single customer for a significant portion of its revenue, you may need to maintain higher cash reserves to address potential cash flow issues during slow seasons or if the customer defaults on payments.

  1. Regularly Reviewing and Updating Risk Management Strategies

Risk management is an ongoing process that requires regular review and updates to ensure that businesses are adequately protected against potential risks. As businesses evolve and grow, their risk profile may also change, requiring adjustments to their risk management strategies.

Business owners should regularly review their risk management plan and strategies and make updates as necessary to address new or emerging risks or to improve the effectiveness of existing strategies. This can involve conducting regular risk assessments, monitoring industry trends, and evaluating the effectiveness of current risk management strategies.


In conclusion, effective risk management is critical for the long-term success and sustainability of any business. By identifying potential risks, developing a risk management plan, investing in insurance, diversifying investments, maintaining adequate cash reserves, and regularly reviewing and updating risk management strategies, business owners can minimize their exposure to potential risks and ensure their business’s continued growth and success.