Denise Featured on iHeart’s Talk Radio, WLW Cincinnati with Host Ken Broo

Denise featured on iHeart’s Talk Radio, WLW Cincinnati with host Ken Broo

On November 30, 2022 Denise was honored to join iHeart radio host, Ken Broo from Cincinnati, OH to discuss Employee Incentive Program Abuse and How to Solve It. Incentives are good in theory, but bad when not executed properly. This is why it is so important to work on building a program that focuses on real outcomes. It is also necessary to take the time to think through the incentive and ask questions like, “How could employees abuse this?”  Denise discusses the importance of working with companies to change their mindset to focus on rewarding employees for results instead of the time they spend punching the clock. If your team (or a specific team member) can get the same results in half the time, don’t they deserve to be rewarded with the time they saved? Click here to listen to the full episode and learn about some tips business owners can apply when designing their own employee incentive based programs.

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