Denise Gosnell

Denise Featured on Fox News Radio Tour on 8 Stations Nationwide

What an exhilarating morning Denise had on December 29, 2022. Starting at 7:00am, she was scheduled for 8 live interviews nationwide on a FOX News Radio tour. Without even leaving her office that morning, she was in Dallas, TX, Lansing, MI, Canton, OH, Memphis, TN, Gainesville, FL, Little Rock, AK, McAllen, TX and Des Moines, IA. Wow, what a whirlwind tour that was! She had fascinating discussions about building your business around your life, a 4 day work week, time blocking, and the difference between being busy and being productive.  You can listen to Denise’s full interview with KILF 570AM Dallas, TX here on how to improve your work life balance.

Check out what Denise had to say in other cities across the U.S.

KARN in Little Rock, Arkansas

KURV in McAllen, Texas

iHeart’s WHO in Des Moines, Iowa

WHBC in Canton, Ohio

WILS in Lansing, Michigan

Denise Featured on iHeart Radio’s Nationwide Holiday Show to 1 Million Households

Denise was thrilled to have had the opportunity to share her book, The Vacation Effect for Entrepreneurs, with over 1 million households on iHeart radio’s national holiday show. As a business owner and serial entrepreneur, she understands the challenges of juggling multiple tasks and the pressure to be constantly productive. That’s why she wrote this book – to talk about her unconventional strategies for creating free time and achieving a better work-life balance. Initially, she had planned to publish her book in 2020, but due to the pandemic, decided to delay its release. She is grateful for the chance to finally share her message with a wide audience, and hopes that her insights on forced hyper-efficiency and prioritization will help other entrepreneurs live the vacation effect lifestyle. If you weren’t part of the 1 Million households, then you can check out her interview here.

The Power of AI in Business: Tips and Techniques for Success

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a hot topic in the business world today, and with good reason. ChatGPT, a new AI chat tool released by OpenAI to the public on November 30 2022, gained more than one million users within week of its launch. It’s no surprise that everyone is now talking about the potential of AI to revolutionize how we work, streamlining processes, increasing efficiency, and helping companies make better, data-driven decisions.

However, as with any new technology, there is a lot of confusion and uncertainty about how to effectively use AI in a business setting.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the key things that business owners need to know about how to use AI in their companies today, plus give you some examples of the exact commands I gave to the chat AI that assisted me in writing this so you can see how powerful it can be.

After about 15 minutes using the ChatGPT AI to help, I then spent 3-4 minutes editing a few spots that were easier to edit myself than explain to the AI (such as this paragraph). I spent around 18 minutes from start to finish in one sitting writing this article much faster thanks to AI help. This is an article that would have taken me and my team 1-2 hours in the past to finalize over a period of back and forth. I’m thrilled with that efficiency improvement.

So, what are some tips for getting the best results out of AI? Here are a few key considerations:

1. Think of AI as a junior team member who is eager to learn and help out wherever it can. Just like a junior team member, AI may not know all of the company’s nuances, the culture of your area, or your common phrases and opinions. And the AI may make some mistakes on its facts or data that you need to correct. However, with guidance and instruction from you and your team, AI can quickly become a valuable asset, helping you iterate faster through a project and creating a first draft that you can then refine quickly with the AI or on your own.

2. Give clear and detailed instructions. It’s important to be as specific as possible when working with AI. Provide clear, step-by-step instructions, and be sure to include any relevant details and constraints. The more information you can provide, the better equipped the AI will be to help you. The exact format and style depends on the type of AI you are using and the syntax it requires, but with the “chat-style” AI’s, you can talk to it just like you would talk to a member of your team, like you will see in the examples I’ve included below.

3. Personalize your instructions. Also clarify as part of giving clear instructions that you can have it add your specific phrases and examples quickly to really personalize the content being created. You can see how personalized this article is with my specific preferences, content I wanted in the article, my web site URL, and my opinions. You will see how I worked in my personality into the commands I gave the AI so it could do the heavy lifting for me.

4. Iterate and refine. Don’t expect AI to get it right on the first try. Just like a human team member, AI will need time to learn and adjust to your needs. Be patient and be prepared to go through a few iterations and refinements before you get the results you’re looking for. For example, if you feel like you’re looping with the Chatbot or not going in the direction you want, you may need to try the command again to get different output, or slightly modify the command in a new chat window if the results just aren’t going in the direction you want in the first few commands.

5. Use a combination of AI tools. There are many different AI tools available today, each with its own strengths and capabilities. For example, ChatGPT and Jasper are two popular AI tools that I personally use a lot for tasks such as writing all kinds of content, articles, marketing materials, and so much more. Experiment with different tools to find the ones that work best for your needs.

6. Proof the final output for accuracy and style. Make sure you have someone double-check the final output for accuracy, because the AI may not use the correct source, person, or situation. So do some fact-checking before you just assume it is correct. You also want to make sure the content you create with AI is on point with your opinion, positioning, and style.

With these tips in mind, let’s look at the specific commands I gave to the ChatGPT interactive chatbot that generated 95 percent of what you are reading here:

Command 1:

Write an article of at least 1,000 words about what business owners need to know about how to use artificial intelligence in their companies today. Mention that everyone is talking about AI and this article will help clarify some of the confusion about how to use the power of AI. Mention that you should look at AI like a new junior team member. They may not know all of the company’s nuances, the culture of your area, and your common phrases and opinions. But and your employees you can use AI to help you iterate faster through a project and quickly create a first draft that you can refine. Mention some tips for getting the best results out of AI, such as giving it detailed and clear instructions, iterating through different refinements using clear instructions, and using a combination of AI tools such as ChatGPT and Jasper Chat. Include the web site URL’s for ChatGPT and Jasper. Mention that you and your team can now create so many things quicker than before, and this is very powerful and exciting. This doesn’t replace your employees. It just allows you and them to be more effective and spend time on the finishing touches and creating more output than before.

Command 2:

Add bold to the first part of the 3 tips. Include links to the web sites for ChatGPT and Jasper. Change “generating Chatbot responses and automating customer service inquiries” to “writing all kinds of content, articles, marketing materials and so much for for your company”. Also clarify as part of giving clear instructions that you can have it add your specific phrases and examples quickly to really personalize the content being created. Also add a new tip about starting a new chat window and trying the command again to get different output or slightly modifying the command in a new chat window if you aren’t getting the direction you want on the first few commands. Also add near the end of the article that AI chat tools have allowed me to get content that is in my head onto paper and published on my blog and newsletter so much faster than ever before. Add a section that says here are a list of all of the commands that I have given to ChatGPT to generate this article. Then, include each of the commands that I have given you to create this article and name them command 1 for the first command I gave you, command 2 for the second command, and so on. Mention that I am so impressed with the results that I’m adding a tech mastermind that focuses on AI mastery to my Grow by Subtraction Accelerator program. Please mention that if they want more info, they can learn more at

Command 3:

Continue with the rest of the article per my instructions above [Note: I did this because the article stopped before it was finished – this happens due to word count limits or other factors].

Command 4:

Merge commands 1-4 into one command since they were part of one command that I gave you. Please also insert the other commands that I gave you.

So in just 4 commands I generated 95 percent of this article. That is pretty amazing, right?

I’m so impressed with the results I’ve achieved with AI that I’m adding a tech mastermind that focuses on AI mastery to my Grow by Subtraction Accelerator program for business owners. If you’re interested in learning more, you can check out more details here.

By following these tips and treating AI like a new team member, you and your team can tap into the power of AI to create things faster than ever before. This doesn’t mean that AI will replace your human employees in most cases – far from it. 

Instead, AI simply allows you and your team to be more efficient, freeing up time to focus on the finishing touches and creating additional output, or simply taking more time off. I’m all about being more efficient and getting better results in far less time. 

How To Avoid “Shiny Object Syndrome” And Stay Focused On Your Goals

Shiny object syndrome is a common problem faced by many business owners. It refers to the tendency to become easily distracted by new and shiny opportunities, often leading to a lack of focus and an inability to complete tasks or projects.

Business owners are often faced with a never-ending stream of ideas, opportunities, and projects, and it can be tempting to jump from one to the next without fully committing to any of them. This can lead to a lack of progress, as the business owner is constantly starting new things but never finishing anything.

There are a few key ways that business owners can avoid shiny object syndrome and make real progress on their priorities:

1. Set clear goals and priorities: By having a clear sense of what you want to achieve, you can avoid getting distracted by unrelated opportunities.

2. Create a plan and stick to it: Develop a detailed plan for achieving your goals and make sure to stick to it. This will help you stay focused and avoid getting sidetracked by shiny new opportunities.

3. Use time management techniques: Implementing effective time management techniques, such as the Pomodoro Technique or time blocking, can help you stay focused and avoid becoming distracted by new opportunities.

4. Evaluate new ideas: When a new opportunity or idea presents itself, it’s important to take the time to carefully evaluate whether or not it is worth delaying your current priorities to pursue. Consider whether the idea aligns with your long-term goals, and whether it is feasible given your current workload and resources. If the idea is not worth pursuing immediately, consider adding it to a list of ideas to revisit later.

5. Make a decision: Once you have evaluated a new idea, it’s important to make a decision and stick with it. If you decide to pursue the new idea, be sure to adjust your plan and priorities accordingly. If you decide not to pursue it but want to revisit the idea later, be sure to add it to a document that you can revisit at a later date. If you decide not to pursue the idea at all, it’s important to let go and stay focused on your current projects.

By following these tips, business owners can avoid shiny object syndrome and make real progress on their priorities. While it can be tempting to jump from one opportunity to the next, it’s important to stay focused and committed in order to achieve success.

8 Steps To Set Your Business Up for Success in 2023 With Achieving Your Goals

Setting and achieving goals is an essential part of running a successful business. It helps you define what you want to accomplish, create a plan to get there, and measure your progress along the way. In this article, we’ll discuss how a business owner can set and achieve their goals in 2023.

1. Identify your goals using the SMART criteria

The first step in setting and achieving your goals is to identify what you want to accomplish. One effective way to do this is by using the SMART criteria. This acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. By setting goals that meet these criteria, you can ensure that they are clear and achievable.

2. Create a plan with specific action steps and deadlines

Once you’ve identified your goals, it’s time to create a plan to achieve them. This should include specific action steps that you will take to reach your goals, as well as deadlines for completing each step. It’s also a good idea to assign responsibility for each step to a specific team member or department. This helps ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals and that there is clear accountability for their completion.

There are various goal setting and planning methodologies that you can use to help you with this part, which are covered in more detail in this article. Make sure you check out number 4 in that article because it explains my favorite methodology that I personally use.

3. Track your progress regularly

To stay on track and make sure you are making progress towards your goals, it’s important to track your progress regularly. This could involve setting up a system to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs), such as sales, customer satisfaction, and profitability. Regularly reviewing these metrics will help you understand where you are making progress and where you may need to adjust your approach.

4. Celebrate your accomplishments

In addition to tracking your progress, it’s also important to celebrate your accomplishments along the way. Recognizing the hard work and achievements of your team can help keep morale high and motivate everyone to continue working towards your goals.

5. Set aside dedicated time for goal setting and review

To ensure that you are making progress towards your goals, it’s important to set aside dedicated time to focus on them. This could involve setting aside dedicated time each week to review your progress, or creating a regular schedule for goal setting and review.

6. Eliminate distractions and time-wasting activities

One effective way to stay focused on your goals is to eliminate distractions and time-wasting activities. This could involve setting boundaries around how you use your time, such as not checking email after a certain time each day or limiting the amount of time you spend on social media. By eliminating distractions and focusing on what’s most important, you can ensure that you are making the most of your time and making progress towards your goals.

7. Build a strong team

Another key to achieving your goals is building a strong team. Surrounding yourself with talented and motivated individuals can help you achieve your goals faster and more effectively. This could involve hiring new team members, delegating tasks to existing team members, or providing training and development opportunities to help your team grow and improve.

8. Be flexible and adaptable

Finally, it’s important to be flexible and adaptable as you work towards your goals. No matter how carefully you plan, there will always be unexpected challenges and setbacks. By being open to change and willing to pivot when necessary, you can ensure that you stay on track and continue making progress towards your goals.

In conclusion, setting and achieving your goals is essential to the success of your business. By defining clear, SMART goals, creating a plan to achieve them, tracking your progress, and building a strong team, you can ensure that you are making the most of your time and resources and achieving the success you desire in 2023.

4 Effective Goal Setting Methodologies to Help Your Business Succeed in 2023 and Beyond

Now that the new year has arrived, as a business owner, you are most likely working on your strategic plans for the upcoming year. Effective goal setting and strategic planning is essential for the success of any business. It helps you define what you want to achieve, create a plan to get there, and track your progress along the way, as I covered in more detail in this article.

While there are many different goal setting methodologies available, it’s important to remember that all goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Regardless of which methodology you choose, incorporating the SMART components into your goals will help ensure that they are clear and achievable.

Let’s look at a few powerful goal setting methods you may want to consider using to help achieve your goals (including my personal favorite):

1. EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System)

The EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System) is a goal setting and management system developed by Gino Wickman. It helps businesses clarify, simplify, and achieve their goals by focusing on six key components: vision, people, data, issues, process, and traction.

One key aspect of the EOS method is the annual planning process, which involves setting clear, measurable goals for the year and breaking them down into quarterly and monthly targets. These quarterly and monthly goals, known as “rocks,” help ensure that you are making progress towards your long-term goals and allow you to adjust your approach as needed.

The EOS method emphasizes the importance of regular check-ins and meetings to ensure that everyone is aligned and focused on achieving their goals. This includes weekly meetings, where team members review their progress and discuss any issues or challenges they are facing. It also includes quarterly reviews, where the team takes a step back and looks at the bigger picture, reviewing progress towards their long-term goals and making any necessary adjustments.

By using the EOS system and breaking down your goals into quarterly rocks, you can create a clear plan for achieving your goals and stay on track to reach them. The regular check-ins and meetings help ensure that everyone is aligned and focused on what’s most important, and the quarterly review helps you take a step back and assess your progress towards your long-term goals.

2. OKR (Objectives and Key Results)

The OKR (Objectives and Key Results) method is a goal setting methodology developed by Intel and used by companies like Google and LinkedIn. It involves setting ambitious, measurable goals (called Objectives) and specific, measurable targets (called Key Results) to track progress towards those goals.

The OKR method helps ensure that goals are aligned with the overall vision and strategy of the organization and that everyone is working towards the same objectives.

One key aspect of the OKR method is setting goals that are challenging, but achievable. This helps ensure that everyone is stretched, but not overwhelmed. It’s also important to make sure that Key Results are measurable and that progress can be tracked. By setting clear, measurable goals and tracking progress regularly, you can ensure that you are making progress towards your objectives.

3. BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal)

The BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) is a long-term, ambitious goal that inspires and motivates your team. While the BHAG may seem out of reach at first, breaking it down into smaller, achievable goals can help you make progress towards it.

One key aspect of the BHAG method is that it should be inspiring and motivating. It should be something that gets everyone excited and energized about working towards it. It’s also important to make sure that the BHAG is aligned with the overall vision and strategy of the organization. By setting a clear and inspiring long-term goal, you can motivate and engage your team and drive progress towards it.

4. Freedom Planning

The Freedom Planning process is a process I designed for myself and that I use with my private clients to help them achieve their business and personal goals. The process involves using a Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly, and Daily Freedom Planner to track your progress towards these goals.

The key to the freedom planning process is that you are not only identifying and measuring your business goals, but you are also identifying and measuring the goals related to your epic life plan and the 8 categories of happiness that I recommend you identify and measure.  By setting goals in both business and personal areas, you can ensure that you are making progress towards achieving your ideal life and business.

The Daily Freedom Planner is a key component of the Freedom Planning process. It helps you learn how to focus on the top 2-2 needle movers that are most important each day to make progress towards your long-term goals. By focusing on the needle movers each day and identifying time hacks you can apply to the rest of your list, you can make consistent progress towards your goals.

The Freedom Planning process also emphasizes the importance of regular review and planning. By setting aside time each week and month to review your progress and make adjustments as needed, you can ensure that you are staying on track to achieve your goals.

To learn more about my Freedom Planning process and how it can help you achieve your business and personal goals, you can check out the book “The Vacation Effect for Entrepreneurs” at For a limited time, you can also book a free roadmap session at and receive a free copy of my Daily Freedom Planner tool as a bonus for completing the roadmap session.

By using the Freedom Planning methodology, you can create a clear plan for achieving your goals and make progress towards your ideal life. It’s great to have plans for your business, but isn’t about time you gave your life goals as much attention and tracking? I think so.

No matter what goal setting methodology you choose to use, whether that be EOS, OKR, BHAG, or my own Freedom Planning process, it’s important to make sure that your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. By setting clear, achievable goals and tracking your progress regularly, you can ensure that you are making progress towards your objectives and achieving the success you desire. I wish you a fantastic year ahead and hope to contribute further to your growth.